2030 Comprehensive Plan Update, October 2023


Action T 4.11 Completed 2015

Action T 4.17 Paratransit Efficiency and Coordination

Investigate opportunities to improve paratransit service by identifying opportunities to coordinate with larger employers to create new fixed-route services where appropriate. Identify opportunities to improve the efficiency and quality of city-provided paratransit services to ensure that the city can continue to provide an effective paratransit service.

Action T 4.12 Bench and Shelter Siting

Work with NCDOT to modernize the rules governing state-maintained roadways, to facilitate the placement of benches and shelters along Raleigh’s major transit corridors.

Action T 4.18 Completed 2021

Action T 4.13 Completed 2012

Action T 4.19 Bike, Ride and Car Share

Action T 4.14 Service Targets

Identify opportunities to creatively leverage bike, ride and car share systems to augment public transit, enhance system connectivity, and reduce transit trip travel times. Identify creative ways to share local operating funds between these services and public transit that results in a more cost-effective network.

Establish policy statements and service targets for mode-share and for ridership versus coverage, and establish timeframes for achieving these goals.

Action T 4.15 Frequent Network Map

Action T 4.20 Low-income Fares

Create a series of frequent network maps for public distribution that show where existing all-day frequent transit service is available.

Study the possibility of reduced or eliminated fares for low-income residents.

Action T 4.16 Downtown Services

Investigate opportunities to improve the utility of public transportation services in downtown Raleigh, such as evaluating a potential fare-free downtown transit district that promotes the use of transit for short trips downtown. Evaluate the potential to consolidate fixed-route services into select transit corridors to create a downtown frequent network of services.


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