2030 Comprehensive Plan Update, October 2023


Policy T 10.1 Automated Vehicles

Action T 10.1 Curbside Space

The inclusion of automated vehicles into the city’s transportation system should support other goals, including reducing vehicle miles traveled, improving transportation safety, enhancing urban form, and supporting transit and other modes of travel.

Study drop-off activity in high-demand locations (Glenwood South, Raleigh Convention Center, Performing Arts Center) and consider whether a reallocation of curbside space to provide additional drop-off zones is warranted.

Action T 10.2 Completed 2021

Policy T 10.2 Ride-hailing and Vehicle Sharing Ride-hailing, vehicle sharing, and other innovations to the city’s transportation system should support

other goals, including reducing vehicle miles traveled, improving transportation safety, and supporting transit and other modes of travel.

Action T 10.3 Automated Vehicles

Study the potential impact of automated vehicles and whether existing policy and regulation provide an adequate framework for accommodating automated vehicles into the city’s transportation system. Consider how automated vehicles may affect travel demand and whether other transportation and land use policies may need to respond to these changes.

Policy T 10.3 Curbside Space

Consider, in future studies and street designs, changes in parking demand created by the increased popularity of ride-hailing and vehicle sharing services. Ensure that adequate space is provided for drop-off areas and that excessive off-street parking is not required or constructed. Make designated spaces available for vehicle sharing services.

Policy T 10.4 Bikeshare

Support bikeshare, both public and private, through city support of a public system and through appropriate regulation of any private systems.


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