2030 Comprehensive Plan Update, October 2023
Policy H 2.12 Minimize Displacement
Policy H 2.18 Sustainability Incentives
Minimize residential displacement resulting from redevelopment activity and provide replacement housing.
Require energy-efficient design standards for affordable housing funded by the city.
Action H 2.1 Removed 2019
Policy H 2.13 Transit Accessibility
Preferentially locate affordable housing in areas with good access to transit services and/or locate transit in areas currently occupied by subsidized affordable housing.
Action H 2.2 Removed 2019
Policy H 2.14 Transit Availability
Action H 2.3 Removed 2015
Expand public transit to serve housing in all parts of the city.
Policy H 2.15 Affordable Units in TODs
Action H 2.4 Removed 2019
Provide zoning and financial incentives for inclusion of affordable housing near transit stations, particularly for persons with disabilities.
Action H 2.5 Removed 2019
Policy H 2.16 Existing Housing
Encourage reinvestment and maintenance of the existing housing stock to prevent the conversion of affordable housing units to market-rate units, including funding the city’s housing rehabilitation programs.
Action H 2.6 Removed 2019
Action H 2.7 Fast-Tracking Affordable Units
Policy H 2.17 Equitable Housing around Transit Ensure that housing exists for residents at a range of incomes, including very low-income households, near bus rapid transit stations.
Provide an expedited or fast-tracking development review process for housing developments that include affordable units.
See also Section 3.4: ‘Equitable Development around Transit.’
Action H 2.8 Completed 2016
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