2030 Comprehensive Plan Update, October 2023


Action H 2.22 Create Partnership Program Develop and implement a partnership program to increase local nonprofit housing providers’ administrative and programmatic capacity. Action H 2.23 Additional Affordable Housing Tools Explore creating additional affordable housing using vehicles (such as a Community Land Trust, deed restrictions, and long-term shared equity appreciation mechanism) to assure long-term or permanent affordability of housing.

Action H 2.27 Homeowner Rehabilitation Assistance

Increase funding for rehabilitation projects within a half-mile of the BRT corridors.

Action H 2.28 Tenant Legal Assistance

Provide resources to nonprofit legal groups or partner with law schools to provide assistance to renters near BRT and beyond who lack the resources to navigate the legal system when disputes arise.

Action H 2.29 Assistance with Homeownership Costs Expand existing efforts that provide assistance in paying property taxes to additional low-income homeowners who do not currently qualify. Focus on the area within a half-mile of the BRT corridors.

Action H 2.24 Zoning for Mixed Income

Develop zoning provisions for transit-oriented development that promote housing diversity and affordable housing choices available to households at 60 percent of AMI or below in the immediate area around transit corridors.

Action H 2.30 Youth Skills

Action H 2.25 Equitable Housing around Transit Using proceeds from the Equity Fund or other sources, expand efforts to ensure affordable housing near bus rapid transit stations, including by acquiring land and assisting homeowners with rehabilitation projects and property taxes. Action H 2.26 Housing Fund and Incentives Explore additional revenue sources for funding affordable housing, including housing bonds, private and nonprofit contributions, and the Equity Fund. Determine what level of supplement, if any, is needed to ensure the affordability height bonus results in the production of affordable units along the corridors.

Partner with WakeWorks and similar programs, both in terms of funding and specific apprenticeship opportunities, to assist students and young adults in building job skills.

Action H 2.31 Anti-Predatory Purchase

Expand efforts to ensure that homeowners near BRT know the value of their property and are aware of city programs that can provide assistance, so that all sales are voluntary and include equal information on both sides of the transaction. Focus on the area within a half-mile of the BRT corridors.


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