2030 Comprehensive Plan Update, October 2023

Land Use

As described in the Framework chapter, Raleigh’s Vision for 2030 is structured to address these land use issues through six vision themes or citywide goals. By concentrating growth into mixed-use centers and creating more accessible communities citywide, Raleigh will help meet its goal for Economic Prosperity and Equity . Through a broader range of housing-related land use policies and programs, Raleigh plans to meet its goal for Expanding Housing Choices . Through more compact forms of development and new rural and open space policies, Raleigh will meet its over arching goal of Managing Our Growth . By implementing a citywide and regional transit system that is connected with pedestrian and bike-friendly communities, Raleigh will be closer to its goal of effectively Coordinating Land Use and Transportatio n . Through citywide policies and programs for green building, green infrastructure, and resource conservation and preservation, Raleigh will become a national leader with its Greenprint Raleigh paradigm. Lastly, through a series of ordinance and subdivision changes to accommodate a smart growth model of planning and development, Raleigh will reach its goal of Growing Successful Neighborhoods and Communities .

To track the efficiency of the city’s policies, any of the Comprehensive Plan’s vision themes that may be relevant to a particular policy are indicated by one of six icons. The vision themes are: Economic Prosperity and Equity Expanding Housing Choices Managing Our Growth Coordinating Land Use and Transportation Greenprint Raleigh Growing Successful Neighborhoods and Communities In this Section and throughout the Plan, Key Policies used to evaluate zoning consistency are noted as such with an orange dot ( ).


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