2030 Comprehensive Plan Update, October 2023

Land Use

3.6 Mixed-use Development The resurgence of mixed-use downtowns, employment centers, and retail centers is a national development trend that is evident in Raleigh in such areas as downtown, North Hills, and Forestville Village Center. Mixed-use centers bring together medium- to high-density residential and nonresidential uses within a walkable, bicycle-friendly, and/or transit-accessible development framework. Uses can be mixed vertically, within buildings; or horizontally, when tightly clustered in a pedestrian-friendly arrangement. Due to the diversity of uses and activities, mixed-use centers are typically vibrant destinations that attract attention due to their level of activity. Fundamentally, a mixed-use center should provide a full service environment and diverse land uses—residences, offices, retail, service, entertainment, civic, and open space—for residents, employees, and visitors.

Policy LU 6.2 Complementary Land Uses and Urban Vitality A complementary integration and mixture of land uses should be provided within all growth centers and mixed-use centers to maintain the city’s livability, manage future growth, and provide walkable and transit accessible destinations. Areas designated for mixed-use development in the Comprehensive Plan should be zoned consistently with this policy.

Policy LU 6.3 Mixed-use and Multimodal Transportation

Promote the development of mixed-use activity centers with multimodal transportation connections to provide convenient access by means other than car to residential and employment areas.

Policy LU 6.4 Bus Stop Dedication

The city shall coordinate the dedication of land for the construction of bus stop facilities within mixed-use centers on bus lines as part of the development review and zoning process.

Policy LU 6.1 Composition of Mixed-use Centers

Mixed-use centers should comprise a variety of integrated residential and commercial uses - mixed both vertically and horizontally - that have well planned public spaces that bring people together and provide opportunities for active living and interaction.

Action LU 6.1 Completed 2013


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