2030 Comprehensive Plan Update, October 2023
Policy T 2.16 Assessing Changes in Road Design
Action T 2.4 Limited Access Lane Management Coordinate with NCDOT on limited access facilities to investigate the feasibility of establishing lane management policies such as high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes, truck lanes, express lanes, and toll lanes. Action T 2.5 Intermodal Facility Prioritization Work with CAMPO in the prioritization of inter modal transportation facilities to ensure that adequate funding consideration for the planning and programming of these facilities is being given as part of CAMPO’s Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).
Subject all proposed changes to the treatment of existing vehicular rights-of-way, such as changes to the number and type of travel lanes, to a study prior to implementation to determine the impacts on the larger network and the level of service of all relevant modes.
Policy T 2.17 Bridge Improvements
Coordinate with NCDOT for bridge monitoring, maintenance, and rehabilitation. Bridge improvements should be considered when roadway investments are being pursued.
Action T 2.6 Completed 2015
Policy T 2.18 Roadway Tree Canopies
Provide additional tree canopies consistent with recommendations from the Urban Forestry Division. Along multi-lane roads with planted medians, this reduces the visual height-to-width ratio of the overall streetscape and provides pedestrian refuges at signalized crossings.
Action T 2.7 Special Transportation Studies
Undertake special studies for the areas identified in the introduction to this section:
Action T 2.1 Completed 2015
• Six Forks/Wake Forest Road Corridor south of I-440. • Atlantic Avenue Corridor. • Wade Avenue. • Wake Forest Road/Falls of Neuse.
Action T 2.2 Completed 2016
Action T 2.8 Transportation Funding Strategy Develop a funding strategy for all maintenance and new construction transportation projects, including public/private partnerships for construction of
Action T 2.3 Right-of-way Reservation
Conduct detailed analyses of proposed corridors and roadway connections to establish alignments, and take proactive steps to resolve future corridors and connections via development coordination or by acquisition.
strategic transportation facilities. The strategy should reflect a multimodal approach to transportation issues.
Action T 2.9 Completed 2014
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