2030 Comprehensive Plan Update, October 2023

Table of Contents3
Section 1 Introduction7
1.1 Purpose of the Comprehensive Plan10
1.2 How the Comprehensive Plan is to be Used14
1.3 Organization of the Plan16
1.4 Civic Engagement Process18
Section 2 Framework21
2.1 Planning Context and Key Issues22
2.2 Growth Forecasts29
2.3 Vision and Themes31
2.4 Framing Maps33
Section 3 Land Use39
3.1 Future Land Uses47
3.2 Citywide Growth57
3.3 Annexation, Extra-territorial Jurisdiction and Urban Service Area59
3.4 Equitable Development Around Transit62
3.5 Land Use Compatibility71
3.6 Mixed-use Development73
3.7 Commercial Districts and Corridors74
3.8 Neighborhood Conservation and Development76
3.9 Research and Development/Institutional Land Uses80
3.10 Retail Land Uses81
3.11 Industrial Land Uses83
3.12 Large Site Development84
Section 4 Transportation85
4.1 Land Use and Transportation Coordination88
4.2 Roadway System and Transportation Demand Management91
4.3 Complete Streets: Hierarchy and Design100
4.4 Public Transportation104
4.5 Pedestrian and Bicycle Circulation113
4.6 Parking Management117
4.7 Transportation Safety Improvements119
4.8 Commercial Truck and Rail Freight121
4.9 Future Street Improvements123
4.10 EmergingTechnologies128
Section 5 Environmental Protection131
5.1 Energy Security and Climate Change Preparedness138
5.2 Design with Nature143
5.3 Water Quality and Conservation145
5.4 Flood Reduction and Preparedness153
5.6 Wildlife and Habitat Protection and Preservation155
5.7 Material Resource Management157
5.8 Light and Noise Pollution Controls160
5.9 Environmental Education, Awareness, and Coordination163
Section 6 Economic Development167
6.1 Commercial Corridor Reinvestment173
6.2 Neighborhood Reinvestment175
6.3 Entrepreneurs and Business Development177
6.4 Workforce Training and Access to Employment180
6.5 Economic Development and Land Use182
6.6 Hospitality and Tourism186
6.7 Creative Industries188
6.8 Organizational Structure and Functions189
Section 7 Housing191
7.1 Quality and Diversity of Housing206
7.2 Affordable Housing208
7.3 Addressing Homelessness and Special Needs212
7.4 Fair Housing, Universal Design, and Aging in Place214
Section 8 Parks, Recreation, and Open Space217
8.1 Planning for Parks222
8.2 Park System and Land Acquisition224
8.3 Greenway System Land and Trails229
8.4 Recreational Facilities and Programs234
8.5 Open Space and Special Landscapes236
8.6 Management and Stewardship239
8.7 Dorothea Dix Park241
Section 9 Public Utilities243
9.1 Systems and Adequacy248
9.2 Utility Extensions249
9.3 Drinking Water251
9.4 Wastewater Collection and Dispersal254
9.5 Stormwater256
9.6 Energy and Telecommunications258
Section 10 Community Facilities and Services261
10.1 Community Facilities and Services265
10.2 Solid Waste268
10.3 Public Safety271
10.4 Fire and Emergency Response273
10.5 Health and Human Services275
Section 11 Urban Design277
11.1 Raleigh’s Identity284
11.2 Design of Mixed-use Developments288
11.3 Appearance and Function of Raleigh’s Corridors290
11.4 Creating Inviting Public Spaces292
11.5 Designing Successful Neighborhoods294
11.6 Active Mobility296
11.7 Design Guidelines298
11.8 Transit-supportive Design310
Section 12 Historic Preservation313
12.1 Raleigh's Historic Identity322
12.2 Planning, Zoning, and Neighborhood Conservation324
12.3 Housing and Building Codes, Rehabilitation, and Adaptive Use327
12.4 Coordination and Outreach329
12.5 Funding and Incentives331
Section 13 Arts and Culture333
13.1Public Art336
13.2 Art and Entertainment Districts339
13.3 Arts and Cultural Venues341
13.4 Economic Development through Arts and Culture343
13.5 Artistic and Cultural Identity345
Section 14 Regional and Interjurisdictional Coordination347
14.1 Transportation Investments350
14.2 Land Use and Growth Management352
14.3 Economic Development Initiatives355
14.4 Education Investments357
14.5 Public Libraries359
14.6 Environmental Sustainability and Natural Resources360
14.7 Public Facilities and Infrastructure362
Section 15 Downtown Raleigh365
15.1 Land Use371
15.2 Transportation379
15.3 Economic Development388
15.4 Housing394
15.5 Parks, Recreation and Open Space396
15.6 Community Facilities and Services398
15.7 Urban Design399
Section 16 Area Specific Guidance415
16.1 Overview of Area Specific Guidance416
AB Arena Blue Ridge419
AF Avent Ferry431
AW Avent West437
BC Brier Creek Village441
BN Buffaloe/New Hope445
BP Blount Street/Person Street449
CB Capital Boulevard451
CH Cameron Village and Hillsborough Street455
CN Capital North459
CP Cameron Park467
CR Crabtree471
DE Dix Edge475
DW Downtown West Gateway481
FL Falls Lake487
FN Falls North491
FP Five Points East495
FV Forestville Village497
GT Garner-Tryon Neighborhood501
IF I-540/Falls of Neuse503
KC King Charles505
MT Midtown509
NB New Bern519
OE Olde East Raleigh521
RB Rock Quarry Battle Bridge525
SA Transit Station Areas527
SC Swift Creek529
SE Southeast Special Study533
SG Southern Gateway541
SP South Park547
WB Western Boulevard551
WC Wake Crossroads563
WM West Morgan569
Section 17 Implementation573
17.1 Zoning Regulations and Consistency575
17.2 Relation to Capital Improvement Planning and Other City Plans576
17.3 Comprehensive Plan Updates and Amendments577
17.4 Small Area Studies579
17.5 Participation in Planning581
17.6 Action Plan585
Action Matrix I - All Items588
Action Matrix II - Completed Items659
Section 18 Glossary681

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