Unified Development Ordinance, 31st Supplement, May 2024
Sec. 7.3.13. Special Sign Types A. Announcement Signs
3. No changeable copy sign may contain more than 3 horizontal pieces of information. 4. Except changeable copy time and temperature signs, no changeable copy sign may change more than 4 times in any 24-hour period. D. Directional Signs A sign that orients pedestrian and vehicular traffic to different areas within a development of over 100 acres. 1. Directional signs are only allowed in developments that contain at least 100 acres. 2. No sign permit shall be issued for a directional sign until a common signage plan has been approved as set forth in Sec. 7.3.16.H. 3. All directional signs shall be under the maintenance responsibility of a single association or other legal entity. 4. If any common signage plan amendment is approved, all existing signs that do not comply with the new sign criteria shall be removed within 30 days of approval of such amendment. 5. There shall be no more than 1 directional sign for every 1,000 feet of frontage along any thoroughfare, commercial or collector street. 6. No directional sign shall exceed 7 feet in height and 35 square feet of sign area. 7. The sign may include the name of the overall development and the type of land use subareas that is identified in the approved Master Plan. 8. Directional signs may be located on the same lot as a ground sign. E. Directory Signs A on-premise sign that lists the name of activities, businesses, firms or tenants of a unified project or site. 1. The site shall contain no more than 1 directory sign. 2. The maximum sign area shall not exceed 3 inches by 15 inches for each identified activity, business, firm or tenant on the site. 3. The outdoor directory sign may either be a changeable copy sign or fixed professional nameplates; provided that the standards of each are met.
An announcement sign is a small on-premise ground sign permitted as use regulation for specific nonresidential uses in a Residential District as set forth in Chapter 6. Use Regulations B. Crown Signs An on-premise wall sign located on buildings a least 200 feet in height. 1. In addition to a permitted wall sign, buildings greater than 200 feet in height may contain a crown sign. 2. The amount of additional wall signage shall not exceed 4.70 square feet of signage per building side for each foot of building height over 200 feet tall up to a maximum of 750 square feet. 3. Additional wall signage shall not be transferred from 1 building side to another. 4. No crown sign shall exceed 750 square feet per sign. 5. Only 1 crown sign shall be located on any 1 side of a building. 6. The sign must be located at the top crown of the building and it shall not extend below the top of the upper floor of the building. 7. The same copy must appear on all additional crown signs. 8. All sign illumination shall be internal. 9. Changeable copy is prohibited. 10. A crown sign shall contain no more than 1 line of copy, excluding symbols. C. Changeable Copy Signs A sign on which copy is changed manually or automatically and copy is shown on the same sign face such as reader boards with changeable letters or changeable pictorial panels but not limited to the above. Poster panels and painted boards are not changeable copy signs. 1. For any permitted wall, projecting, ground or tract identification sign up to 50% of the sign area may be changeable copy (automatic or manual). 2. For tract identification the total area of the changeable copy cannot exceed 8 square feet per sign. Only 1 changeable copy sign may be erected and it must be physically part of that tract identification sign.
Supp. No. 31
7 – 36 Published May 2024
Part 10: Unified Development Ordinance City of Raleigh, North Carolina
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