Unified Development Ordinance, 31st Supplement, May 2024
Article 9.2. Stormwater Management | CHAPTER 9. NATURAL RESOURCE PROTECTION
ii. The driveway or vehicular use area does not constitute more than 40% of the front yard area of any detached house. b. Fences, walls, statuary, monuments, fountains or signs shall be located outside any primary watercourse buffer. c. Garden crops involving cultivation shall be located outside any primary watercourse buffer. d. Greenways, sidewalks and walkways shall be located outside of a primary watercourse buffer and meet the requirements of Sec. 9.2.3.C.2. or shall be unpaved. e. New drainage ditches, roadside ditches and stormwater outfalls shall meet the requirements of Sec. 8.8.2. and Sec. 9.2.3.C.2. f. Playground equipment on single-unit or two-unit living lots. g. Ponds, stormwater management ponds, reservoirs, provided that, the standards of Sec. 9.5.1.C. , Sec. 9.5.2.C. or Sec. 9.5.3.C. are met. h. Public streets, provided that the standards of Sec. 9.3.8., Sec. 9.3.9. and the Raleigh Street Design Manual are met. i. Railroad crossings. j. Stormwater control facilities and stormwater outfalls shall meet the requirements of Sec. 9.2.3.C.2. if there is no feasible alternate location. k. Utility lines. i. Non-electric utility lines are allowed, but if located in a -UWPOD, -FWPOD, -SWPOD or CM District, the utility lines must meet the standards of Sec. 9.2.3.C. if situated within a primary watercourse buffer area. ii. Underground electrical utility lines are allowed, but if located in a -UWPOD, -FWPOD, -SWPOD or CM District, the underground utility lines must meet the standards of Sec. 9.2.3.C. if situated within a primary watercourse buffer area. iii. Overhead electric utility lines are allowed, but if located in a -UWPOD, -FWPOD, -SWPOD or CM District, the overhead utility lines must meet the standards of Sec. 9.2.3.C. if situated within a primary watercourse buffer area.
l. With the exception of any display area or any gasoline pump island, accessory structures and uses are allowed within a secondary watercourse of a -FWPOD, -SWPOD or CM District, provided that the following standards are met. i. No land-disturbing activity for any allowed use shall affect more than 12% of the portion of a lot within a secondary watercourse natural resource buffer. ii. Land-disturbing activity on slopes between 15% and 20% may occur no closer than 80 feet to the edge of a watercourse. iii. Land-disturbing activity on slopes greater than 20% may occur no closer than 95 feet to the edge of a watercourse. iv. Upon a recommendation of the Stormwater Management Advisory Commission and approval by the City Council, land-disturbing activities may exceed the standards above; provided that the person submitting the request shows that the potential for stormwater infiltration within a site, the control of stormwater velocity and the restriction of sedimentation both during and after construction are equal to or greater than that which would have been achieved following standards in this Article. The applicant must also show that maintenance provisions are made to maintain the level of infiltration, velocity control and sedimentation on the site. 2. Property located within a riparian water surface buffer and within a required natural resource buffer, must also comply with Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code Subarticle 2B, section .0233, as amended from time to time. 3. Property located inside of a riparian water surface buffer and outside a required natural resource buffer is subject to Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code Subarticle 2B, section .0233, as amended from time to time. C. Regulations Applied to Uses Allowed in Watercourse Buffers 1. Regulations Applying to All Natural Resource Buffers Persons who install utility mains shall submit a plan to the City proving that sediment loss during and after installation is less than would have been achieved if other locations outside the buffer were used.
9 – 25 Published May 2024
Part 10: Unified Development Ordinance City of Raleigh, North Carolina
Supp. No. 31
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