Unified Development Ordinance, 31st Supplement, May 2024
CHAPTER 10. ADMINISTRATION | Article 10.2. Review Procedures
The collective review shall consider the adequacy of public facilities, as described in Article 8.2. Infrastructure Sufficiency . e. Following review, Development Services shall approve, approve with conditions that bring the infrastructure construction plan into conformance with requirements of this UDO and other applicable technical requirements of the City,or deny the infrastructure construction plan. Development Services Director shall keep written records of any action taken. 3. Building Review a. An application for building or construction permit issuance shall be submitted to Development Services in accordance with Sec. 11.2.1.B. b. A Permit Application must be filled out completely in order to process an application for building review. c. No building or construction permit shall be issued for development requiring a site plan until the site review has been approved. d. No review of building or construction plans shall occur until a copy of the approved site review plan conforming to all conditions of approval has been received by Development Services or the Board of Adjustment has granted a variance authorizing the use of a non-complying site plan element. e. In reviewing the building permit application, the Development Services Department shall consult with the Public Utilities, City Planning, Engineering Services, Transportation, Parks and Cultural Resources and Fire Departments to check the proposed building plans against the requirements of this UDO and other applicable technical requirements of the City. f. The Development Services shall complete the review of the building plans and notify the applicant of nonconformities, omissions or required corrections. If the building plans are disapproved, the reasons for such disapproval shall be stated in writing, specifying the provisions of this UDO and other applicable technical requirements of the City with which the building plans do not comply. Revised building plans may be submitted to the Development Services for further consideration.
g. Following building review, the Development Services shall approve, approve with conditions that bring the building plans into conformance with this UDO and other applicable technical requirements of the City or deny the building plans. The Development Services shall keep written records of any action taken. h. Prior to the issuance of any building or construction permit for the site, the applicant shall have installed all required improvements as specified in Chapter 8. Subdivision & Site Plan Standards or guaranteed their installation as provided in Sec. 8.1.3. i. An issued building permit expires 6 months after the date of issuance if the work authorized by the permit has not commenced. If after commencement, the work is discontinued for a period of 12 months, the permit shall immediately expire. No work authorized by any permit that has expired shall be performed until a new permit has been obtained. j. The approval process for site plans of infrastructure construction plans, final site and building review may at the option of the applicant be done sequentially as listed or combined all in 1 review process or in 2 different review processes provided that order of these processes are not reversed. E. Modifications to an Approved Site Plan After a site plan has been approved, no deviations shall be made until written approval of the proposed changes or deviations has been obtained. Modifications are categorized as either minor or major and are reviewed pursuant to this section. Modifications shall be applicable as long as the approved site plan remains active under the sunset provisions of this UDO. At such time a site plan is no longer valid, a new site plan application is required. 1. Minor Modifications Modifications that can be made to an approved site plan (including plot plans approved prior to November 19, 2020), that meet the following are considered minor modifications and shall be administratively approved without additional notice: a. Up to a 15% increase or any decrease in gross floor area of any building; b. Up to a 15% reduction in the approved setbacks from exterior property lines for any approved structures on a site;
10 – 41 Published May 2024
Part 10: Unified Development Ordinance City of Raleigh, North Carolina
Supp. No. 31
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