Cityworks Quick Start 15.3

Office 15.3

Asset Analytics

Asset Analytics provides a summary of selected assets, as well as work history, cost history, GIS attributes, maintenance strategy information, and asset condition.

The Asset Summary panel displays the selected assets and their details.

1. Select assets on the map.

4. To create a work activity, select the flag icon on the desired asset and click Create Work Order or Create Inspection . 5. To export the data as a .csv file, click CSV . 6. Select an asset to view its work history. The work history appears in the Work Orders , Inspections , Cost History , GIS Attributes , and Condition tabs.

2. In the Results panel, select the check box next to the desired assets and click the Flag highlighted assets for work management icon.

The Work Orders and Inspections tabs show work activities attached to the asset. The Cost History tab shows a history of all costs associated with the asset. The GIS Attributes tab shows the attribute data for the selected asset. Finally, the Condition tab displays the condition and maintenance score data for the asset.

Note: To automatically flag assets for work management when assets are selected on the map, enable Auto Save Selection under Tools > Selection .

Note: Work orders must be closed to see costs in Asset Analytics .

3. Click Asset Analytics on the main toolbar of the work management tab.

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