Cityworks Quick Start 15.3
Android 6
Create an Attached Inspection
1. On the map, tap the layer icon in the lower- right corner. Tap an asset layer to make it selectable on the map, then tap Save .
The Asset Group and Assets fields automatically populate based on the selected assets but can be changed.
4. Select the desired inspection Template .
2. Tap the Selection tool and drag your finger across the map to select assets. Note: You can control the visibility of asset layers on the map by tapping the Visible switch in the Layers list. The selected assets are highlighted on the map and a message appears that shows how many assets were selected. 3. Tap the plus sign in the lower-left corner of the map and tap Inspection on the Select work activity window.
The Selected Assets field shows the number of assets selected on the map. An inspection will be created for each asset selected.
5. Tap Create .
When the inspection is created, a Pending icon will appear on the inspection to indicate that the inspection has not yet been synced.
The next time you sync the app, the Pending icon will disappear, and the inspection will be synced with the main system.
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