Cityworks Quick Start 15.3
Cityworks 15.3
Create an Event Layer
Event layers allow a user to display saved searches as a layer on the map. Event layers also allow a user to display saved searches as a layer on the map that can then be shared using EURL. 1. Open the map. 2. Click Event Layer from the Navigation panel.
6. Select the new event layer and click Edit to change the symbol that appears on the map.
7. Click Save . 8. Click Map Refresh at the bottom of the Event Layers panel to refresh the map.
The event layer appears on the map.
The Search Definitions and Event Layers panels open on the work management tab. 3. Select the desired saved search in the Search Definitions panel. 4. Click Add . The saved search appears in the Event Layers panel. 5. Click the Enabled check box to make the event layer visible on the map.
9. Hover your mouse over an individual record to view its details. 10. Use < Ctrl + click> to open the record.
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