Cityworks Quick Start 15.3
Office 15.3 for AMS
Attach an Asset to an Existing Work Order
1. Open the work order you want to attach an asset to. 2. Click the Open the map icon to open the map in a new tab. 3. On the map, use the Legend tool to select the layer you want to make selectable on the map. 4. Select a Selection tool and select the asset(s) on the map.
6. In the Assets panel in the work order, click Add assets currently selected in session .
7. Click Save .
The assets are now attached to the work order.
Alternatively, add assets to a work order by clicking Add assets by searching type and id .
5. In the Results panel, select the check box next to the desired assets and click the Flag highlighted assets for work management icon.
Note: It is recommended that you eventually attach all unattached work orders to assets.
Note: To automatically flag assets for work management when assets are selected on the map, enable Auto Save Selection under Tools > Selection .
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