Cityworks Quick Start 15.3
Office 15.3
1. Open the work order(s) you want to add equipment, labor, and material to using ELM . 2. From the work order drop-down list, click ELM. 3. In the Work Orders panel in the Apply To tab, select the desired work order(s).
8. In the Standard tab, select a Crew .
9. In the Labor , Equipment , and Material panels, fill in the hours and units or add additional employees, equipment, or material. Click Advanced for more options.
4. In the Tasks panel, select the desired task(s) you want to associate with the costs of the equipment, labor, and material.
5. In the Assets panel, select the desired asset(s) you want to associate with the costs of the equipment, labor, and material.
10. Click Save .
Note: The Existing Costs panel displays all equipment, labor, and material already associated with the work order(s).
6. Click the Add Costs tab. 7. At the top of the Add Costs tab, select a Date and Account .
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