Leisure Ledger September - December 2023

DISCOVER YOUR Raleigh Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Department


Registration Status: Check the status of your registration at any time by going to RecLink at parks.raleighnc.gov

Browse or Register Online with RecLink Visit parks.raleighnc.gov RecLink allows you to search for classes, programs, and events by age, location, or keyword. With your Login ID and password you can then complete your registration and payment online .



Raleigh Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Department Attn: Recreation Business Office

Bring your completed registration form and payment to one of our staffed Recreation sites during regular business hours.

2401 Wade Avenue Raleigh, NC 27607

For more information about online registration, visit parks.raleighnc.gov or call 919-996-2153 (RecLink). Program information is accurate at time of printing, but may be subject to change.

My Raleigh Subscriptions Sign up at www.raleighnc.gov to receive emails or text messages about a variety of City of Raleigh topics including Parks and Recreation.


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Leisure Ledger September-December 2023 | parks.raleighnc.gov

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