PPM 5210 610 PA FORM V0
Purpose The primary purpose of the Personnel Action Form (PAF) is to record any employment change, such as, an employee's salary, job assignment, classification, location, and/or supervisor. Since the information on this form can affect an employee's paycheck and benefits, it is critical that the department complete it accurately and in a timely manner. Completing the PAF The following provides information for each field of the PAF. Use this form for all personnel actions except new hires. Section I. Complete this section for all personnel actions. Action — Select from the drop-down menu. Reason — Select from the drop-down menu. Choose 'Other' for any action not found or use the blank space to type in your action. Effective Date of Action — Date the change should begin; in accordance with City policies and procedures. Business Unit — Select from drop-down menu. This is the Department. Dept. ID — Use division number. Work Location — Employee’s building location. *In Query Manager- search "%loc"- Select: COR_PY_LOCATIONS* Employee ID# — Every employee has an individual number consisting of 6 digits. Employee number can be found in HCM. Date of Hire — Date employee was hired to City of Raleigh. Position Control # — Each position has an assigned 8-digit position control number. This can be found in the position Last Name/First Name/Middle Initial — Fill in as it appears in HCM. Do not use nicknames. Home Address/City/State/Zip/Phone — Current mailing address and telephone number. Section II. Complete this section for changes to employee information. Job Code/Job Title — New job code/job title for the employee if applicable. List as it appears in the Class and Salary Plan or in HCM under the Job Information tab. Working Title — Approved working title for the position. Business Unit — Select from drop-down menu. This is the Department. Dept. ID — Use division number. Account Code — Find-Dept.-Acct-Program. This can be found in PeopleSoft or with your division’s administrative staff. Work Schedule — Work schedule for employee. Pay Period Hours — Based on bi-weekly scheduled hours and position. Clocker — Select from drop-down menu. Work Location — Employee’s new building location. *In Query Manager- search "%loc"- Select: COR_PY_LOCATIONS* Overtime — Select from the drop-down menu. Employee Type — Select from drop-down menu. FLSA — Is employee non-exempt or exempt from fair labor standards? List as it appears in the Class and Salary Plan Check Location — Location an employee receives check if applicable. Pay Group — Select from the drop-down menu. Pay Plan — Select from the drop-down menu. Step — The step of the employee’s salary if applicable. Specialty Pay Name — Select specialty pay type from the drop-down menu if applicable. Ex. Acting, Hazmat, etc. Specialty Pay % — The percentage of pay for specialty pay. Ex. 5%,10%. New Salary — The new salary for the employee. Hourly Rate — New hourly rate. Can be calculated by dividing annual salary by the annual hours found in pay plan. % of Change — New salary based on compensation procedures and approval. Position Control # — New position 8 digit position control number. This can be found in the position management report, either from your HCM super user or via HCM query (COR_HR_POSITION_LIST_ALL). Section III. Use this section for employees separating from the City. Type of Separation — Select from drop-down menu. (Please ensure the Separation Checklist from CORECON is attached and completed). Reason for Separation — Select from drop-down menu. Resignation—other should be used only when an employee resigns because of pending disciplinary action (termination). When selecting Resignation—other, attach a detailed summary of the circumstances that led to the employee’s resignation. Last Physical Date Worked — This is the last day that the employee physically worked. This cannot be a vacation or sick day. Last Date on Payroll — This is usually the same as the last day physically worked, but in some cases, like suspension, the dates are different. Comments — Use this section for any information that could not be identified above or to clarify any actions. Time Approver’s Full Name/Phone — Employee completing the PA information. Supervisor’s Name/Position Control Number/ Employee ID# — Employee’s supervisor information. Prepared By/Phone/Date Prepared — Employee preparing the PAF. 38 management report, either from your HCM super user or via HCM query. Current Job Code/Title — Current job code and title as it appears in HCM.
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