PPM 5250-633

Work Process Instruction-5210.637.03


ARCGOL - Add/Edit GIS Assets

I. AccessARCGOL at: http://ral.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=- 253ca5d1e4ee4c4291cc2765ba99405e II. Select ARCGIS as the option for Signing In

III. Enter Credentials and Select Sign In

IV. Navigate to Asset Location A. Scroll to location

B. Enter address in search box and select magnifying glass. As you type it will give suggestions.

V. After you have navigated to the Asset Location you can either add or edit GIS assets. A. To Add-Proceed to Step VI

B. To Edit Attributes-Proceed to Step IX C. To Move Asset-Proceed to Step XI


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