RPD Annual Report

Larcenies from Motor Vehicles

Officers are deployed in areas where there have been reports of larcenies to detect, prevent, and deter theft. Unsecured firearms provide offenders easy access to carry out violent crimes. Through social media campaigns, we encourage individuals to use gun safes and locks, and never leave unsecured weapons in their vehicles.

2021 2022

Larceny of Motor Vehicles

Larceny From Motor Vehicles

Larceny of Motor Vehicle -Firearms

Larceny of Motor Vehicle Parts

Catalytic Converter Thefts





Police Investigators examine patterns and trends to identify and disrupt individuals and groups of individuals responsible for specific crimes such as catalytic converter thefts. Catalytic converters are often sold for the metals they contain.

Theft of catalytic converters accounted for more than fifty percent of all larceny of motor vehicle parts in 2021 and 2022 50%

Catalytic Converter


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