Tech Reference Manual
No Leak: If the meter shows no usage, the copper setter is not leaking on the street side nut and no leak is found in the waterline to the copper setter, get readings and close the FA with notes indicating no leak found.
Leak responsibility The leak will be repaired if it exists in the utilities area of responsibility. If utility equipment caused the leak, notify supervisor to advise CC&B for appropriate adjustments and or Water Distribution for leaks in their area of responsibility. A door hanger will be left to inform customer of leaking utilities. If the leak is found on the customers side, leave a door hanger to inform them of the leak. If the leak is severe and the customer is unable to be reached, contact supervision for instructions on how to proceed.
Note results in comment portion in FA portal.
Verify meter lid is clean and clear of obstruction.
FA Completion: All work in CC&B must be done with CAPS On FA Portal • Select Field Activity Type • Go to Service point ID to verify last read • Go to SP Consumption • Review last read for address and meter verification • Return to the FA portal using back arrow • Search for the work truck and select • Add comments including reads and notes relevant to the type of leak found and or repaired. Include truck number and technician initials STEPS TAB • Verify Meter number(Badge)
• Read Type (Verified) • Enter Register Read • Select proper MR Source (Meter-Leak On Street or House or Both) • Review data and Complete
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