Tech Reference Manual
Meter-Stopped Meter-Check (Not Stopped)
Check FA portal in CC&B Select desired travel location Upon arrival verify correct address Check and compare meter number and or Meter Interface Unit (MIU) number (FA Portal) Check Register face for size and type. Verify the meter/ register compatibility Verify the register is attached to the meter base Read the register (Record data/MIU data) Verify the service is on/off by the direction of the angle valve (If the service is off, note this in the FA comments and complete FA as normal) Use the meter wrench to loosen the house side spud nut, creating a leak to check flow If the register shows the water usage it is not stopped Verify that the meter is showing usage by the dials turning on a Pro Read or digits on an E Coder Tighten the house side spud nut and assure there are no leaks Verify meter lid is clean and clear of obstruction FA Completion: All work in CC&B must be done with CAPS On FA Portal • Select Field Activity Type • Go to Service point ID to verify last read • At SP Consumption • Review last read for address and meter verification • Return to the FA portal using History button • Search for the work truck and select • Comments Meter not stopped, Read, meter, MIU number, Truck number and Tech initials
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