Unified Development Ordinance, 31st Supplement, May 2024
Article 9.3. Floodprone Area Regulations | CHAPTER 9. NATURAL RESOURCE PROTECTION
13. Repeated Violation An additional civil penalty of $1,000 per day shall be charged to any person assessed a civil penalty for any violation of this Article within the prior 2 years. No initial civil penalty shall exceed $5,000; this limitation shall be inapplicable to continuous violations. Sec. 9.2.6. Variances and Appeals A. Any variance request or appeal of an administrative decision of a regulation contained within this Article must be presented before the Board of Adjustment. All procedural requirements of Sec. 10.2.10 and Sec. 10.2.11, respectively, shall apply.
existing development in accordance with the provisions of an approved stormwater control plan. 3. Failure to Maintain Stormwater Control Facilities $2,500 per day for failure to maintain stormwater control facilities. 4. Failure to File Inspections Report $2,500 per day for failure to file required inspection report. 5. Failure to Submit As-Built Plans $2,500 per day for failure to submit required as-built plans. 6. Failure to Certify $2,500 per day for failure to certify that installed stormwater measures and devices are in compliance with the Raleigh Stormwater Control and Watercourse Buffer Manual and City approved the stormwater control plan, including modifications thereto approved by the City. 7. Falsified Certification $3,000 for making a falsified certification. 8. Failure to Record $2,500 per day for failure to record or timely record with the local register of deeds required plats identifying stormwater control facilities or required maintenance covenants or required escrow agreements. 9. Failure to Revise Plan $2,500 per day for failure to file an acceptable, revised stormwater control plan within the established deadline after being notified of the need to do so. 10. Failure to Correct a Violation $5,000 per day for failure to correct a violation within the time limitations established in a notice of violation. 11. Failure to Obey a Stop-Work Order $5,000 per day for a violation of a stop-work order. 12. Any other Action $2,500 per day for any other action or failure to act that constitutes a violation of the Article.
9 – 29 Published May 2024
Part 10: Unified Development Ordinance City of Raleigh, North Carolina
Supp. No. 31
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