Unified Development Ordinance, 31st Supplement, May 2024

only PD and CMP districts are eligible for minor modifications. 1. Minor modifications to PD that can be administratively approved are described in Sec. 4.7.6.A. 2. Minor modifications to CMP that can be administratively approved are described in Sec. 4.6.4.A. 3. If multiple parcels or land are subject to a conditional zoning, the owners of individual parcels may apply for modification of the conditions so long as the modification would not result in other properties failing to meet the terms of the conditions. Any modifications approved shall only be applicable to those properties whose owners petition for the modification. 4. Modification that do not qualify as minor are major and shall require a new zoning or TCZ application.

Supp. No. 31

10 – 26 Published May 2024

Part 10: Unified Development Ordinance City of Raleigh, North Carolina

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