Unified Development Ordinance, 31st Supplement, May 2024

CHAPTER 10. ADMINISTRATION | Article 10.2. Review Procedures

C. Pre-Application Conference Before submitting an application for site plan review, an applicant may schedule a pre-application conference with the City to discuss the procedures, standards and regulations required for approval. D. Approval Process 1. Site Review a. An application for site review approval shall be submitted in accordance with Sec. 10.2.1.B. The following forms must be filled out completely in order to process an application for site review approval: b. The City shall complete the site review in accordance with Sec. 10.2.8.B. above and notify the applicant of nonconformities, omissions or required corrections. If the site review plan is disapproved, the reasons for such disapproval shall be stated in writing, specifying the provisions of the UDO with which the site review plan does not comply. A revised site review plan may be submitted to the City for further consideration. c. Following site review, Development Services shall approve, approve with conditions that bring the site review plan into conformance with this UDO and other applicable technical requirements of the City or deny the site review plan. Development Services shall keep written records of any action taken. d. Beginning the day of issuance of a zoning permit or site permit by the property owner or the next working day, mailed notice shall be required pursuant to Sec. 10.2.1.C.1. and a sign shall be posted by the property owner on the property for 30 consecutive days pursuant to Sec. 10.2.1.C.4. for the following administrative approvals: i. Where the new building is 25,000 square feet or more in size or any addition that represents an increase of more than 10% of the building area or 25,000 square feet whichever is greater; and i. Site Review Application; ii. Site Review Checklist; and iii. Design alternate requests (see Sec. 10.2.17.)

ii. Where the property of the approved administrative site plan is located within 100 feet of a property that is zoned R-1, R-2, R-4, R-6 or R-10. e. Notice of a decision on an administratively reviewed site plan shall be provided within 3 days following the date the application was decided, as set forth in Sec. 10.2.1.C.6. f. An appeal as set forth in Sec. 10.2.11. shall be filed by persons within 30 days of permit issuance or when a permit is not issued, the decision of approval or denial; this time period is applicable to all representatives of such persons, including without limitation their tenants and option holders. g. Upon acceptance of a completed application, the Development Services Director will provide mailed notice to the State of North Carolina for any site plan located within the Metro-Park Overlay District. 2. Infrastructure Construction Plans a. An application for construction drawing approval shall be submitted in accordance with Sec. 10.2.1.B. The following forms must be filled out completely in order to process an application for construction drawing approval: i. Infrastructure Construction Plan Application; ii. A Phasing plan in accordance with the standards of Sec. 10.2.5.E.7. ; iii. If applicable, a Waiver Request is filed; and iv. If applicable, an Administrative Design Adjustment request is filed. b. After an application has been determined complete, the City shall review the request in accordance with the provisions of this UDO. c. No construction of development-related improvements shall commence until all required construction drawing plans, profiles and specifications have been reviewed and approved by the City or other governmental approving agency and all necessary permits issued. d. In reviewing the infrastructure construction plan, Development Services shall consult with the Public Utilities, City Planning, Engineering Services, Parks and Cultural Resources, Transportation and Fire Departments to review the infrastructure construction plan against the requirements of this UDO and other applicable technical requirements of the City.

Supp. No. 31

10 – 40 Published May 2024

Part 10: Unified Development Ordinance City of Raleigh, North Carolina

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