Contents | 3 |
Chapter 1. Introductory Provisions | 5 |
Article 1.1. Legal Provisions | 6 |
Sec. 1.1.1. Title | 6 |
Sec. 1.1.2. Applicability | 6 |
Sec. 1.1.3. Effective Date | 6 |
Sec. 1.1.4. Purpose and Intent | 6 |
Sec. 1.1.5. Relationship to the Comprehensive Plan | 6 |
Sec. 1.1.6. Minimum Requirements | 6 |
Sec. 1.1.7. Conflicting Provisions | 6 |
Sec. 1.1.8. Severability | 7 |
Sec. 1.1.9. City Council Action | 7 |
Sec. 1.1.10. Penalties and Remedies | 7 |
Sec. 1.1.11. Existing Buildings and Structures | 7 |
Sec. 1.1.12. Adopted Manuals | 7 |
Sec. 1.1.13. Extraterritorial Representation on Boards and Commissions | 8 |
Article 1.2. Zoning Map | 9 |
Sec. 1.2.1. Establishment of Official Zoning Map | 9 |
Sec. 1.2.2. Interpretation of Map Boundaries | 9 |
Sec. 1.2.3. Rules of Interpretation | 9 |
Article 1.3. Zoning Districts | 10 |
Sec. 1.3.1. General Use Zoning Districts | 10 |
Sec. 1.3.2. Conditional Zoning Districts | 10 |
Sec. 1.3.3. Overlay Districts | 10 |
Sec. 1.3.4. Legacy Districts | 11 |
Article 1.4. Building Types | 12 |
Sec. 1.4.1. Building Type Descriptions | 12 |
Sec. 1.4.2. Building Types Allowed by District | 14 |
Article 1.5. Measurement, Exceptions & General Rules of Applicability | 15 |
Sec. 1.5.1. Site | 15 |
Sec. 1.5.2. Lot | 15 |
Sec. 1.5.3. Outdoor Amenity Area | 16 |
Sec. 1.5.4. Building Setbacks | 18 |
Sec. 1.5.5. Parking Setbacks | 20 |
Sec. 1.5.6. Build-to | 21 |
Sec. 1.5.7. Height | 23 |
Sec. 1.5.8. Pedestrian Access | 27 |
Sec. 1.5.9. Transparency | 28 |
Sec. 1.5.10. Blank Wall Area | 28 |
Sec. 1.5.11. Reserved | 29 |
Sec. 1.5.12. National Register Historic District Residential Garage Parking Options | 29 |
Chapter 2. Residential Districts | 32 |
Article 2.1. General Provisions | 33 |
Sec. 2.1.1. District Intent Statements | 33 |
Sec. 2.1.2. Housing Options | 35 |
Sec. 2.1.3. Additional Housing Patterns | 35 |
Article 2.2. Conventional Development Option | 37 |
Sec. 2.2.1. Detached House | 37 |
Sec. 2.2.2. Attached House | 38 |
Sec. 2.2.3. Townhousei | 39 |
Sec. 2.2.4. Apartment | 40 |
Sec. 2.2.5. Civic Building | 41 |
Sec. 2.2.6. Open Lot | 42 |
Sec. 2.2.7. Residential Infill Compatibility | 43 |
Sec. 2.2.8. Tiny Houses | 46 |
Article 2.3. Compact Development | 47 |
Sec. 2.3.1. General Requirements | 47 |
Sec. 2.3.2. Detached House | 48 |
Sec. 2.3.3. Attached House | 49 |
Sec. 2.3.4. Townhousei | 50 |
Sec. 2.3.5. Apartment | 51 |
Sec. 2.3.6. Civic Building | 52 |
Sec. 2.3.7. Open Lot | 53 |
Article 2.4. Conservation Development Option | 54 |
Sec. 2.4.1. General Requirements | 54 |
Sec. 2.4.2. Detached House | 55 |
Sec. 2.4.3. Attached House | 56 |
Sec. 2.4.4. Townhousei | 57 |
Sec. 2.4.5. Apartment | 58 |
Sec. 2.4.6. Civic Building | 59 |
Sec. 2.4.7. Open Lot | 60 |
Article 2.5. Common Open Space Requirements | 61 |
Sec. 2.5.1. Amount of Open Space | 61 |
Sec. 2.5.2. Open Space Allocation | 61 |
Sec. 2.5.3. Configuration of Open Space | 61 |
Sec. 2.5.4. Allowed Uses of Open Space | 62 |
Sec. 2.5.5. Stormwater Control Measures | 62 |
Sec. 2.5.6. Prohibited Uses of Open Space | 62 |
Sec. 2.5.7. Ownership and Management of Open Space | 62 |
Article 2.6. Additional Housing Patterns | 64 |
Sec. 2.6.1. Cottage Court | 64 |
Sec. 2.6.2. Detached House Additions | 67 |
Sec. 2.6.3. Accessory Dwelling | 67 |
Sec. 2.6.4. Flag Lots | 70 |
Article 2.7. Frequent Transit
Development Option | 72 |
Sec. 2.7.1. Frequent Transit Development Option | 72 |
Chapter 3. Mixed Use Districts | 74 |
Article 3.1. General Provisions | 75 |
Sec. 3.1.1. District Intent Statements | 75 |
Sec. 3.1.2. District Components | 76 |
Article 3.2. Base Dimensional Standards | 77 |
Sec. 3.2.1. Detached House | 77 |
Sec. 3.2.2. Attached House | 78 |
Sec. 3.2.3. Townhousei | 79 |
Sec. 3.2.4. Apartment | 80 |
Sec. 3.2.5. General Building | 81 |
Sec. 3.2.6. Mixed Use Building | 82 |
Sec. 3.2.7. Civic Building | 83 |
Sec. 3.2.8. Open Lot | 84 |
Sec. 3.2.9. Tiny House | 85 |
Article 3.3. Height Requirements | 87 |
Sec. 3.3.1. Applicability | 87 |
Sec. 3.3.2. Building Height Standards | 87 |
Sec. 3.3.3. Building Massing Standards | 88 |
Article 3.4. Frontage Requirements | 89 |
Sec. 3.4.1. Purpose and Intent | 89 |
Sec. 3.4.2. General Requirements | 90 |
Sec. 3.4.3. Parkway (-PK) | 94 |
Sec. 3.4.4. Detached (-DE) | 95 |
Sec. 3.4.5. Parking Limited (-PL) | 96 |
Sec. 3.4.6. Green (-GR) | 97 |
Sec. 3.4.7. Urban Limited (-UL) | 98 |
Sec. 3.4.8. Urban General (-UG) | 99 |
Sec. 3.4.9. Shopfront (-SH) | 100 |
Sec. 3.4.10. Green Plus (-GP) | 101 |
Article 3.5. Neighborhood Transitions | 103 |
Sec. 3.5.1. Applicability | 103 |
Sec. 3.5.2. Transition Zones | 103 |
Sec. 3.5.3. Zone A: Protective Yard | 104 |
Sec. 3.5.4. Zone B: Use Restrictions | 105 |
Sec. 3.5.5. Zone C: Height and Form | 106 |
Sec. 3.5.6. Historic Alley Transition | 107 |
Article 3.6. Additional Housing Patterns | 108 |
Sec. 3.6.1. Cottage Court | 108 |
Sec. 3.6.2. Accessory Dwelling | 110 |
Article 3.7 Frequent Transit Development Option | 112 |
Article 3.7.1 Frequent Transit Development Option | 112 |
Chapter 4. Special Districts | 114 |
Article 4.1. General Provisions | 115 |
Sec. 4.1.1. District Intent Statements | 115 |
Article 4.2. Conservation Management (CM) | 116 |
Sec. 4.2.1. General Provisions | 116 |
Sec. 4.2.2. Open Lot | 116 |
Article 4.3. Agriculture Productive (AP) | 117 |
Sec. 4.3.1. Detached House | 117 |
Sec. 4.3.2. General Building | 118 |
Article 4.4. Heavy Industrial (IH) | 119 |
Sec. 4.4.1. General Building | 119 |
Article 4.5. Manufactured Housing (MH) | 120 |
Sec. 4.5.1. Site Size, Residential Density and Land Use | 120 |
Sec. 4.5.2. Site Development Standards | 120 |
Sec. 4.5.3. Manufactured Home Space Standards | 121 |
Article 4.6. Campus (CMP) | 123 |
Sec. 4.6.1. Campus Areas | 123 |
Sec. 4.6.2. Modification of District Standards | 123 |
Sec. 4.6.3. Application Requirements | 124 |
Sec. 4.6.4. Master Plan Amendments | 124 |
Article 4.7. Planned Development (PD) | 126 |
Sec. 4.7.1. Establishment of a PD District | 126 |
Sec. 4.7.2. Modification of Standards | 126 |
Sec. 4.7.3. Allowed Sign Modifications | 126 |
Sec. 4.7.4. Application Requirements | 127 |
Sec. 4.7.5. General Design Principles | 128 |
Sec. 4.7.6. Master Plan Amendments | 129 |
Chapter 5. Overlay Districts | 132 |
Article 5.1. General Provisions | 133 |
Sec. 5.1.1. District Intent Statements | 133 |
Article 5.2. Environmental Overlays | 136 |
Sec. 5.2.1. Airport Overlay District (-AOD) | 136 |
Sec. 5.2.2. Metro-Park Overlay District (-MPOD) | 137 |
Sec. 5.2.3. Urban Watershed Protection Overlay District (-UWPOD) | 138 |
Sec. 5.2.4. Falls Watershed Protection Overlay District (-FWPOD) | 138 |
Sec. 5.2.5. Swift Creek Watershed Protection Overlay District (-SWPOD) | 139 |
Article 5.3. Corridor Overlays | 140 |
Sec. 5.3.1. Special Highway Overlay Districts (-SHOD-) | 140 |
Article 5.4. Character Protection Overlays | 144 |
Sec. 5.4.1. General Historic Overlay District (-HOD-G) | 144 |
Sec. 5.4.2. Streetside Historic Overlay District (-HOD-S) | 146 |
Sec. 5.4.3. Neighborhood Conservation District (-NCOD) | 147 |
Article 5.5. Transit Overlays | 154 |
Sec. 5.5.1. Transit Overlay District (-TOD) | 154 |
Article 5.6. Parking Overlays | 157 |
Sec. 5.6.1. Special Residential Parking Overlay District (-SRPOD) | 157 |
Chapter 6. Use Regulations | 159 |
Article 6.1. Allowed Uses | 160 |
Sec. 6.1.1. Classification of Uses | 160 |
Sec. 6.1.2. Use Determination | 160 |
Sec. 6.1.3. Key to Use Table | 160 |
Sec. 6.1.4. Allowed Principal Use Table | 161 |
Sec. 6.1.5. Prohibited Uses | 165 |
Article 6.2. Residential Uses | 166 |
Sec. 6.2.1. Household Living | 166 |
Sec. 6.2.2. Group Living | 168 |
Sec. 6.2.3. Social Service | 170 |
Article 6.3. Public & Institutional Uses | 172 |
Sec. 6.3.1. Civic | 172 |
Sec. 6.3.2. Parks, Open Space and Greenways | 173 |
Sec. 6.3.3. Utilities | 173 |
Article 6.4. Commercial Uses | 179 |
Sec. 6.4.1. Day Care | 179 |
Sec. 6.4.2. Indoor Recreation | 179 |
Sec. 6.4.3. Medical | 181 |
Sec. 6.4.4. Office | 181 |
Sec. 6.4.5. Outdoor Recreation | 182 |
Sec. 6.4.6. Overnight Lodging | 183 |
Sec. 6.4.7. Parking | 185 |
Sec. 6.4.8. Passenger Terminal | 185 |
Sec. 6.4.9. Personal Service | 186 |
Sec. 6.4.10. Restaurant/Bar | 189 |
Sec. 6.4.11. Retail Sales | 191 |
Sec. 6.4.12. Shopping Center | 192 |
Sec. 6.4.13. Vehicle Sales/Rental | 193 |
Article 6.5. Industrial Uses | 194 |
Sec. 6.5.1. Heavy Industrial | 194 |
Sec. 6.5.2. Light Industrial | 194 |
Sec. 6.5.3. Light Manufacturing | 195 |
Sec. 6.5.4. Research & Development | 195 |
Sec. 6.5.5. Self-Service Storage | 195 |
Sec. 6.5.6. Vehicle Service | 196 |
Sec. 6.5.7. Warehouse & Distribution | 198 |
Sec. 6.5.8. Waste-Related Service | 199 |
Sec. 6.5.9. Wholesale Trade | 199 |
Article 6.6. Open Uses | 200 |
Sec. 6.6.1. Agriculture | 200 |
Sec. 6.6.2. Resource Extraction | 202 |
Article 6.7. Accessory Uses & Structures | 203 |
Sec. 6.7.1. In General | 203 |
Sec. 6.7.2. Accessory Structures | 203 |
Sec. 6.7.3. Additional Standards for Specific Accessory Uses | 205 |
Article 6.8. Temporary Uses | 209 |
Sec. 6.8.1. Applicability | 209 |
Sec. 6.8.2. Temporary Use Permit Required | 209 |
Chapter 7. General Development Standards | 212 |
Article 7.1. Parking | 214 |
Sec. 7.1.1. Applicability | 214 |
Sec. 7.1.2. Required Parking | 214 |
Sec. 7.1.3. Specialized Vehicle Parking Requirements | 218 |
Sec. 7.1.4. Vehicle Parking Mitigation | 218 |
Sec. 7.1.5. Additional Vehicle Parking Provisions | 219 |
Sec. 7.1.6. Vehicle Parking Location and Layout | 219 |
Sec. 7.1.7. Vehicle Parking Lot Landscaping | 221 |
Sec. 7.1.8. Vehicle Loading Areas | 223 |
Sec. 7.1.9. Parking Surface Standards | 223 |
Article 7.2. Landscaping and Screening | 224 |
Sec. 7.2.1. Intent | 224 |
Sec. 7.2.2. Applicability | 224 |
Sec. 7.2.3. Design Alternate Findings | 224 |
Sec. 7.2.4. Protective Yards | 224 |
Sec. 7.2.5. Screening | 228 |
Sec. 7.2.6. Stormwater Retention Ponds & Detention Basins | 230 |
Sec. 7.2.7. Design and Installation | 232 |
Sec. 7.2.8. Walls and Fences | 237 |
Sec. 7.2.9. Construction Safety Barrier Fences | 238 |
Article 7.3. Signs | 241 |
Sec. 7.3.1. Applicability | 241 |
Sec. 7.3.2. Signs Allowed by District | 241 |
Sec. 7.3.3. Additional Sign Types | 241 |
Sec. 7.3.4. Wall Signs | 243 |
Sec. 7.3.5. Projecting Signs | 244 |
Sec. 7.3.6. Awning, Gallery, Marquee Signs | 245 |
Sec. 7.3.7. Window Signs | 245 |
Sec. 7.3.8. Low Profile Ground Signs | 246 |
Sec. 7.3.9. Medium Profile Ground Signs | 247 |
Sec. 7.3.10. High Profile Ground Signs | 248 |
Sec. 7.3.11. Tract Signs | 249 |
Sec. 7.3.12. A-Frame Signs | 250 |
Sec. 7.3.13. Special Sign Types | 251 |
Sec. 7.3.14. Off-Premise Signs | 256 |
Sec. 7.3.15. Prohibited Signs | 258 |
Sec. 7.3.16. General Sign Regulations | 259 |
Sec. 7.3.17. Nonconforming Signs | 261 |
Article 7.4. Site Lighting | 262 |
Sec. 7.4.1. Applicability | 262 |
Sec. 7.4.2. Light Level Measuring | 262 |
Sec. 7.4.3. Prohibited Sources | 262 |
Sec. 7.4.4. Design and Installation Requirements | 262 |
Sec. 7.4.5. Parking and Pedestrian Areas | 262 |
Sec. 7.4.6. Flood Lights and Flood Lamps | 263 |
Sec. 7.4.7. Vehicular Canopies | 264 |
Sec. 7.4.8. Outdoor Recreation Fields and Performance Areas | 264 |
Sec. 7.4.9. Signs | 264 |
Sec. 7.4.10. Building and Security Lighting | 265 |
Sec. 7.4.11. Parking Structures | 265 |
Sec. 7.4.12. Design Alternate Findings | 265 |
Article 7.5. Outdoor Display and Storage | 266 |
Sec. 7.5.1. Applicability | 266 |
Sec. 7.5.2. Outdoor Display | 266 |
Sec. 7.5.3. Outdoor Storage | 266 |
Chapter 8. Subdivision & Site Plan Standards | 268 |
Article 8.1. General Provisions | 270 |
Sec. 8.1.1. Applicability | 270 |
Sec. 8.1.2. Phasing | 270 |
Sec. 8.1.3. Construction Surety | 270 |
Sec. 8.1.4. Warranty | 270 |
Sec. 8.1.5. Acceptance | 270 |
Sec. 8.1.6. Reservation of Public Land | 271 |
Sec. 8.1.7. Easements | 271 |
Sec. 8.1.8. Names and Numbering | 271 |
Sec. 8.1.9. Subdivision Monuments | 271 |
Sec. 8.1.10. Fee in Lieu | 272 |
Article 8.2. Infrastructure Sufficiency | 273 |
Sec. 8.2.1. In General | 273 |
Sec. 8.2.2. Streets | 273 |
Sec. 8.2.3. Water Supply | 274 |
Sec. 8.2.4. Wastewater Disposal | 274 |
Sec. 8.2.5. Fire Suppression | 274 |
Sec. 8.2.6. Stormwater | 274 |
Sec. 8.2.7. Transit Infrastructure | 274 |
Article 8.3. Blocks, Lots, Access | 275 |
Sec. 8.3.1. Intent | 275 |
Sec. 8.3.2. Blocks | 275 |
Sec. 8.3.3. Lots | 277 |
Sec. 8.3.4. Subdivision Access | 278 |
Sec. 8.3.5. Site Access | 278 |
Sec. 8.3.6. Design Alternates Relating to Blocks, Lots and Access (Article 8.3) | 281 |
Article 8.4. New and Existing Streets | 282 |
Sec. 8.4.1. General Provisions | 282 |
Article 8.5. Street Cross Sections | 287 |
Sec. 8.5.1. General Provisions | 287 |
Sec. 8.5.2. Street Types | 287 |
Sec. 8.5.3. Sensitive Area Streets | 288 |
Sec. 8.5.4. Local Streets | 290 |
Sec. 8.5.5. Mixed Use Streets | 292 |
Sec. 8.5.6. Major Streets | 296 |
Sec. 8.5.7. Industrial and Service Streets | 305 |
Sec. 8.5.8. Private Accessways | 307 |
Sec. 8.5.9. Streetscape Types | 308 |
Article 8.6. Reimbursements | 311 |
Sec. 8.6.1. Greenways | 311 |
Sec. 8.6.2. Minor Utility Lines | 311 |
Sec. 8.6.3. Streets | 312 |
Sec. 8.6.4. Expiration of Reimbursement | 313 |
Sec. 8.6.5. Stormwater Infrastructure | 313 |
Article 8.7. Utilities | 314 |
Sec. 8.7.1. Water Supply | 314 |
Sec. 8.7.2. Sewage Disposal | 314 |
Sec. 8.7.3. Public Water and Sewer Stubs | 315 |
Sec. 8.7.4. Underground Utilities | 315 |
Article 8.8. Surface Water Drainage | 317 |
Sec. 8.8.1. Connection to Sanitary Sewer Prohibited | 317 |
Sec. 8.8.2. Piping of Watercourses | 317 |
Sec. 8.8.3. Stormwater Control Plans | 317 |
Article 8.9. Facility Fees | 318 |
Sec. 8.9.1. Facility Fees Imposed on New Construction | 318 |
Sec. 8.9.2. Facility Fee Exceptions | 318 |
Sec. 8.9.3. Computation of Fees | 318 |
Sec. 8.9.4. Funds Collected | 319 |
Sec. 8.9.5. Penalties | 320 |
Article 8.10. Enforcement | 321 |
Sec. 8.10.1. Violations and Violators | 321 |
Sec. 8.10.2. Remedies and Penalties | 321 |
Article 8.11. Transit Infrastructure | 323 |
Sec. 8.11.1. General Provisions | 323 |
Sec. 8.11.2. Requirement Thresholds | 323 |
Sec. 8.11.3. Determining the Required Transit Infrastructure | 323 |
Sec. 8.11.4. Determining the Location of the Required Transit Stop | 324 |
Sec. 8.11.5. Fees In Lieu of Construction | 324 |
Chapter 9. Natural Resource Protection | 329 |
Article 9.1. Tree Conservation | 330 |
Sec. 9.1.1. Intent | 330 |
Sec. 9.1.2. Applicability | 330 |
Sec. 9.1.3. Tree Conservation Required | 330 |
Sec. 9.1.4. Tree Conservation Area Allocation | 330 |
Sec. 9.1.5. Documentation of Tree Conservation Areas | 333 |
Sec. 9.1.6. Permitted Tree Disturbing Activities | 334 |
Sec. 9.1.7. Penalties | 335 |
Sec. 9.1.8. Restoration | 335 |
Sec. 9.1.9. Watershed Protection Overlay Districts | 336 |
Sec. 9.1.10. Lots Without Recorded Tree Conservation Areas | 336 |
Article 9.2. Stormwater Management | 338 |
Sec. 9.2.1. General Provisions | 338 |
Sec. 9.2.2. Active Stormwater Control Measures | 338 |
Sec. 9.2.3. Watercourse Buffers | 349 |
Sec. 9.2.4. Inspections | 352 |
Sec. 9.2.5. Enforcement | 352 |
Article 9.3. Special Flood Hazard Area Regulations | 355 |
Sec. 9.3.1. General Purpose and Intent | 355 |
Sec. 9.3.2. Applicability | 356 |
Sec. 9.3.3. Special Flood Hazard Areas | 356 |
Sec. 9.3.4. Rules for Interpretation of SFHA Boundaries | 357 |
Sec. 9.3.5. Flood Hazard Reduction Standards | 359 |
Sec. 9.3.6. FEMA Designated SFHA Standards | 363 |
Sec. 9.3.7. SFHA Based on Drainage Basin Study and Flood Hazard Soils Standards | 365 |
Sec. 9.3.8. Streets Crossing Watercourses | 366 |
Sec. 9.3.9. Streets in Special Flood Hazard Areas | 367 |
Sec. 9.3.10. Warning & Disclaimer of Liability | 367 |
Sec. 9.3.11. Sec. Permit and Inspection Procedures | 367 |
Sec. 9.3.12. Penalties | 368 |
Sec. 9.3.13. Stop Work Orders | 369 |
Sec. 9.3.14. Variances and Appeals | 369 |
Article 9.4. Erosion & Sedimentation Control | 370 |
Sec. 9.4.1. Applicability | 370 |
Sec. 9.4.2. Guidelines Incorporated | 370 |
Sec. 9.4.3. Objectives | 370 |
Sec. 9.4.4. Standards for Land-Disturbing Activity | 371 |
Sec. 9.4.5. Maintenance | 375 |
Sec. 9.4.6. Land Disturbing Activity Permit & Control Plans Required | 375 |
Sec. 9.4.7. Additional Measures | 376 |
Sec. 9.4.8. Appeals | 376 |
Sec. 9.4.9. Compliance with Plan Requirements | 377 |
Sec. 9.4.10. Inspections | 377 |
Sec. 9.4.11. Enforcement | 377 |
Sec. 9.4.12. Revisions | 379 |
Article 9.5. Watershed Protection Areas | 380 |
Sec. 9.5.1. Urban Watershed Protection Overlay District (-UWPOD) | 380 |
Sec. 9.5.2. Falls Watershed Protection Overlay District (-FWPOD) | 381 |
Sec. 9.5.3. Swift Creek Watershed Protection Overlay District (-SWPOD) | 385 |
Sec. 9.5.4. Inspections | 388 |
Sec. 9.5.5. Enforcement | 388 |
Chapter 10. Administration | 392 |
Article 10.1. Review Bodies | 393 |
Sec. 10.1.1. City Council | 393 |
Sec. 10.1.2. Planning Commission | 393 |
Sec. 10.1.3. Board of Adjustment | 393 |
Sec. 10.1.4. Historic Development Commission | 394 |
Sec. 10.1.5. Appearance Commission | 397 |
Sec. 10.1.6. Open Meeting Requirements | 398 |
Sec. 10.1.7. Planning Director and Development Services Director | 398 |
Sec. 10.1.8. Summary of Review Authority | 400 |
Sec. 10.1.9. Conflicts of Interest | 401 |
Article 10.2. Review Procedures | 402 |
Sec. 10.2.1. Common Review Procedures | 402 |
Sec. 10.2.2. Comprehensive Plan Amendment | 407 |
Sec. 10.2.3. UDO Text Changes | 409 |
Sec. 10.2.4. Rezoning | 411 |
Sec. 10.2.5. Subdivision Review | 418 |
Sec. 10.2.6. Non-Subdivision Final Plat and Recorded Instruments | 424 |
Sec. 10.2.7. Miscellaneous Zoning Permits | 427 |
Sec. 10.2.8. Site Plan Review | 428 |
Sec. 10.2.9. Special Use Permit | 435 |
Sec. 10.2.10. Variance | 437 |
Sec. 10.2.11. Appeal of an Administrative Decision | 439 |
Sec. 10.2.12. Common Signage Plan | 441 |
Sec. 10.2.13. Temporary Use Permit | 442 |
Sec. 10.2.14. Written Interpretation | 443 |
Sec. 10.2.15. Certificate of Appropriateness | 444 |
Sec. 10.2.16. Historic Landmark Designation | 448 |
Sec. 10.2.17. Design Alternate | 451 |
Sec. 10.2.18. Vested Rights | 453 |
Sec. 10.2.19. Reserved for future codification | 454 |
Sec. 10.2.20. Development Agreements | 454 |
Article 10.3. Nonconformities | 457 |
Sec. 10.3.1. In General | 457 |
Sec. 10.3.2. Nonconforming Uses | 457 |
Sec. 10.3.3. Nonconforming Principal Structures | 459 |
Sec. 10.3.4. Nonconforming Site Elements | 461 |
Sec. 10.3.5. Nonconforming Lots of Record | 463 |
Sec. 10.3.6. Special Use Permits for Nonconformities | 463 |
Article 10.4. Enforcement | 465 |
Sec. 10.4.1. Violations and Violators | 465 |
Sec. 10.4.2. Civil Penalty | 465 |
Sec. 10.4.3. Administrative Fee | 466 |
Chapter 11. Building and Housing Code | 468 |
Article 11.1. Adoption of Codes by Reference | 470 |
Sec. 11.1.1. Scope of Chapter and Codes | 470 |
Sec. 11.1.2. Jurisdiction of Chapter and Codes | 470 |
Sec. 11.1.3. Technical Codes | 470 |
Sec. 11.1.4. Compliance With Codes | 471 |
Sec. 11.1.5. Copies of Codes Filed With City Clerk | 472 |
Article 11.2. Development Services Department | 473 |
Sec. 11.2.1. Functions and Duties | 473 |
Sec. 11.2.2. Inspection Procedure | 473 |
Sec. 11.2.3. Oversight Not to Legalize Violation | 474 |
Sec. 11.2.4. Administrative Liability | 474 |
Sec. 11.2.5. City Liability | 474 |
Article 11.3. Examining Boards & Licensing | 475 |
Sec. 11.3.1. Registration of Contractors | 475 |
Sec. 11.3.2. Electrical | 475 |
Article 11.4. Enforcement Provisions | 477 |
Sec. 11.4.1. Permit Requirements | 477 |
Sec. 11.4.2. Application for Permit | 477 |
Sec. 11.4.3. Plans and Specifications | 478 |
Sec. 11.4.4. Limitations on Issuance of Permits | 478 |
Sec. 11.4.5. Reserved for Future Use | 478 |
Sec. 11.4.6. Limitation on Issuance of Permits for Construction in Floodprone Areas | 478 |
Sec. 11.4.7. Issuance of Permit | 480 |
Sec. 11.4.8. Permit Fees | 480 |
Sec. 11.4.9. Violations | 480 |
Sec. 11.4.10. Civil Penalty | 481 |
Article 11.5. Unsafe Buildings | 482 |
Sec. 11.5.1. Short Title | 482 |
Sec. 11.5.2. Buildings and Structures Declared Unsafe; Notice Affixed | 482 |
Sec. 11.5.3. Designation of Community Development Target Area | 482 |
Sec. 11.5.4. Emergency Cases | 482 |
Sec. 11.5.5. Notice and Hearing; Order to Take Corrective Action | 482 |
Sec. 11.5.6. Appeal; Finality of Order if Not Appealed | 483 |
Sec. 11.5.7. Administrative Liability | 483 |
Sec. 11.5.8. Unlawful to Disregard Notices or Orders | 483 |
Sec. 11.5.9. Enforcement | 483 |
Sec. 11.5.10. Alternate Remedies | 484 |
Sec. 11.5.11. Lis Pendens | 484 |
Sec. 11.5.12. Administrative Fee and Costs | 484 |
Article 11.6. Housing Code | 485 |
Sec. 11.6.1. Preamble; Definitions | 485 |
Sec. 11.6.2. Conflict With Other Provisions | 485 |
Sec. 11.6.3. Minimum Standards for Basic Equipment and Facilities | 485 |
Sec. 11.6.4. Responsibilities of Persons | 495 |
Sec. 11.6.5. Powers of Department | 496 |
Sec. 11.6.6. Inspections | 496 |
Sec. 11.6.7. Abatement; Hearing on Charges; Filing; Petition and Charges; Investigation; Time and Conduct of Hearing | 497 |
Sec. 11.6.8. Service of Order, Contents | 497 |
Sec. 11.6.9. Methods of Service | 498 |
Sec. 11.6.10. Lis Pendens | 498 |
Sec. 11.6.11. Board of Adjustment to Hear Appeals | 499 |
Sec. 11.6.12. Placarding Premises | 499 |
Sec. 11.6.13. Approval by Governing Body of Removal or Demolition of Dwelling | 499 |
Sec. 11.6.14. Lien On Premises for Costs; Sale of Materials, etc. | 499 |
Sec. 11.6.15. Alternate Remedies | 499 |
Sec. 11.6.16. Penalty | 499 |
Sec. 11.6.17. Administrative Fee | 500 |
Article 11.7. Manufactured Homes | 501 |
Sec. 11.7.1. Inspection of Manufactured Homes Certificate Required | 501 |
Sec. 11.7.2. Permit Requirements in Special Flood Hazard Areas | 502 |
Article 11.8. Demolition by Neglect of Historic Landmarks and Structures Within Historic Overlay Districts | 502 |
Sec. 11.8.1. Applicability | 502 |
Sec. 11.8.2. Petition and Action | 502 |
Sec. 11.8.3. Safeguards from Undue Economic Hardship | 504 |
Sec. 11.8.4. Appeals | 507 |
Sec. 11.8.5. Standards | 507 |
Article 11.9. Nonresidential Building or Structure Code | 508 |
Sec. 11.9.1. Title | 508 |
Sec. 11.9.2. Purpose | 508 |
Sec. 11.9.3. Definitions | 508 |
Sec. 11.9.4. Applicability and Compliance | 509 |
Sec. 11.9.5. Maintenance Standards for Nonresidential Buildings and Structures | 509 |
Sec. 11.9.6. Duties and Powers of Code Enforcement Coordinator or Officer | 510 |
Sec. 11.9.7. Inspections | 511 |
Sec. 11.9.8. Procedure for Enforcement | 511 |
Sec. 11.9.9. Limitations on Orders and Ordinances—Historic Landmark or Historic District | 512 |
Sec. 11.9.10. Limitations on Orders and Ordinances—Vacant Manufacturing Facility or Vacant Industrial Warehouse | 512 |
Sec. 11.9.11. Vacated and Closed Nonresidential Buildings or Structures | 512 |
Sec. 11.9.12. Methods of Service of Complaints and Orders | 513 |
Sec. 11.9.13. In Rem Action by The Code Enforcement Coordinator or Officer | 513 |
Sec. 11.9.14. Costs, a Lien on Premises | 513 |
Sec. 11.9.15. Ejectment | 514 |
Sec. 11.9.16. Filing of Ordinances | 514 |
Sec. 11.9.17. Alternative Remedies | 514 |
Sec. 11.9.18. Board of Adjustment to Hear Appeals | 514 |
Sec. 11.9.19. Temporary Injunction Remedy for Aggrieved Person | 515 |
Sec. 11.9.20. Conflict With Other Provisions | 515 |
Sec. 11.9.21. Violations; Penalty | 515 |
Chapter 12. Definitions | 516 |
Article 12.1. General | 517 |
Sec. 12.1.1. General Meaning of Words and Terms | 517 |
Sec. 12.1.2. Graphics, Illustrations, Photographs & Flowcharts | 517 |
Sec. 12.1.3. Abbreviations | 517 |
Article 12.2. Defined Terms | 518 |
a | 518 |
b | 519 |
c | 520 |
d | 521 |
e | 522 |
f | 523 |
g | 525 |
h | 526 |
i | 527 |
l | 527 |
m | 528 |
n | 530 |
o | 530 |
p | 531 |
q | 532 |
r | 532 |
s | 533 |
t | 536 |
u | 537 |
v | 537 |
w | 538 |
z | 538 |
Housing Code Definitions | 538 |
History Table | 541 |