Unified Development Ordinance, 25th Supplement, December 2022
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS | Article 1.5. Measurement, Exceptions & General Rules of Applicability
E. Lot Width and Depth for Cul-de-Sac Lots Any lot abutting a cul-de-sac in a Residential District where the minimum lot width is not met at the front property line must comply with the following: 1. The minimum lot frontage on a street shall be 20 feet (this dimension may be reduced upon approval of the Development Services Director if a common driveway or other form of shared access is provided); and 2. The minimum lot depth specified shall not be measured from the front property line, but instead measured beginning from the nearest point to front property line where the lot width equals the minimum lot width for the district. The minimum lot depth measured this way shall be 70 feet in R-1, R-2 and R-4, 60 feet in R-6 and 50 feet in R-10. F. Density, Lot Area per Dwelling Unit, and Site Area per Dwelling Unit 1. Residential density, where applicable, is expressed in units per acre and is calculated by dividing the total number of dwelling units by the gross site area. Unless otherwise specified herein, minimum lot sizes, minimum site areas per dwelling unit, and minimum lot areas per dwelling unit shall be the controlling factors in determining dwelling unit yields. 2. Although minimum lot sizes may allow additional units, density, where applicable, serves as the maximum number of principal units per acre. For any lot developed with a Detached House or Tiny House used for Single unit Living, or an Attached House or Tiny House used for Two-unit Living; one accessory dwelling unit is permitted per lot, regardless of underlying density, minimum lot size, minimum lot area per dwelling unit, or minimum site area per dwelling unit designations. For any lot developed with a Detached House or a Tiny House or an Attached House in a Frequent Transit Area, two accessory dwelling units are permitted per lot, regardless of underlying density, minimum lot size, minimum lot area per dwelling unit, or minimum site are per dwelling unit designations. For any lot developed with a Townhouse, one accessory dwelling unit is permitted per townhouse lot regardless of underlying density, minimum lot size, minimum lot area per dwelling unit, or minimum site are per dwelling unit designations. 3. In residential districts, any area required to be dedicated for public right of-way by the Comprehensive Plan or any area dedicated as greenway, provided that the dedicators waive their statutory right to withdraw the dedication, may be transferred to contiguous property zoned to allow
dwelling units. Transfers are restricted to properties under the same ownership which are located outside anyWatershed Protection Area and in the same development as the dedication for right-of-way less than 60 feet in width. 4. A map showing the property and right-of-way dedication shall be recorded in theWake County Registry with an indication that the roadway dedication density allowance has been utilized for the particular property prior to recording any subsequent maps in the development. 5. No density, lot area, or site area transfer shall be allowed if the developer has executed a reimbursement contract. 6. When a site is partly within a CM District, density, lot area, or site area may be transferred from the CM District, which carries the residential density, lot area, or site area minimums of the contiguous zoning district. If more than 1 zoning district adjoins the CM District, the CM District shall be divided by carrying the boundary lines separating the districts into the CM-zoned area. Sec. 1.5.3. Outdoor Amenity Area A. Intent 1. Outdoor amenity areas are intended to provide usable on-site outdoor space in both residential and non-residential developments for the healthy enjoyment of occupants, invitees and guests of the development. B. General Requirements 1. Where outdoor amenity area is required, it must be provided on-site and must be available for use by or as an amenity for the occupants, invitees and guests of the development. 2. A minimum of 50% of the required outdoor amenity area must be usable to the pedestrians described in subsection 1. above. All areas usable to pedestrians must also be ADA accessible, however, this requirement shall not apply to outdoor amenity areas on the upper stories of existing buildings, allowed by Sec. 1.5.3.C.1., that do not have ADA compliant elevators or an accessible route to said amenity areas. 3. Required outdoor amenity area may be met in 1 contiguous open area or in multiple open areas on the site ; however, to receive credit, each area must be at least 10 feet in width and length.
1 – 12 Pub l i s hed De c embe r 2022
Pa r t 10 : Un i f i ed Deve l opmen t Or d i nanc e C i t y o f Ra l e i gh , No r t h Ca r o l i na
Supp. No. 25
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