Unified Development Ordinance, 25th Supplement, December 2022

CHAPTER 6. ​USE REGULATIONS | Article 6.2. ​Residential Uses

2. Use Standards The number of total occupants allowed is based on 4 persons being the equivalent of 1 dwelling unit. The number of occupants cannot exceed the equivalent number of units per acre allowed in the respective zoning district.

Compact Development and Article 2.4 Conservation Development Option. e. If provided, a congregate care facility must meet the requirements under Sec. 6.2.2.C. f. A rest home must meet the requirements under Sec. 6.2.2.F. g. Additional facilities designed only to serve members of the continuing care retirement community may include, but not be limited to, health and wellness, medical, recreation and support services such as a private chapel, bank, hairdressers, pharmacy, library and convenience shopping. h. A minimum of 10% of the total site area must be designated and maintained as common open space under Sec. 2.5. i. The Continuing Care Retirement Community must provide skilled nursing. j. If provided, the density of a congregate care is calculated in keeping with Sec. 6.2.2.C.2.b. k. The density of a rest home is calculated in keeping with Sec. 6.2.2.F.2.Rest Home 3. Defined A long-term care facility for individuals who need full-time assistance and supervision. The focus is on individuals who cannot live independently and require full-time nursing assistance, and on younger individuals who have physical or mental handicaps. 4. Use Standards The number of total occupants allowed is based on 4 persons being the equivalent of 1 dwelling unit. The number of occupants cannot exceed the equivalent number of units per acre allowed in the respective zoning district. F. Rest Home 1. Defined A long-term care facility for individuals who need full-time assistance and supervision. The focus is on individuals who cannot live independently and require full-time nursing assistance, and on younger individuals who have physical or mental handicaps.

Sec. 6.2.3. Social Service A. Social Service Use Category

Facilities that provide treatment for psychiatric, alcohol or drug problems. Also includes facilities that provide transient housing related to social service programs. Social service includes the following uses. 1. Emergency Shelter Type A. 2. Emergency Shelter Type B. 3. Special care facility. B. Emergency Shelter Type A 1. Defined A facility providing temporary sleeping facilities for displaced persons with no limit on the number of individuals accommodated. 2. Use Standards a. The shelter must provide a minimum of 50 square feet of sleeping space per person. b. An employee or volunteer must maintain continuous on-site supervision during hours of operation. c. No shelter can be located within 2,640 feet of another emergency shelter Type A or emergency shelter Type B (determined by a straight line from property line to property line). d. No emergency shelter Type A can be located within 300 feet of a supportive housing residence or multi-unit supportive housing residence (determined by a straight line from property line to property line). No later establishment of a supportive housing residence or multi-unit supportive housing residence closer than 300 feet to a previously permitted emergency shelter may be construed to create a nonconformity or illegality on the part of the existing emergency shelter.

Supp. No. 25

6 – 12 Pub l i s hed De c embe r 2022

Pa r t 10 : Un i f i ed Deve l opmen t Or d i nanc e C i t y o f Ra l e i gh , No r t h Ca r o l i na

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