Unified Development Ordinance, 25th Supplement, December 2022

CHAPTER 6. ​USE REGULATIONS | Article 6.4. Commercial Uses

novelties, groceries, hardware, home improvement, household products, jewelry, medical supplies, music, musical instruments, office supplies, package shipping, pets, pet supplies, pharmaceuticals, photo finishing, picture frames, plants, printed materials, produce, seafood, souvenirs, sporting goods, stationery, tobacco, used or secondhand goods, vehicle parts and accessories, videos and related products. 2. Art gallery. 3. Check cashing, payday loan. 4. Pawnshop. B. Pawnshop 1. Defined A shop where loans are made with personal property as security. a. Must be located on the first floor of a corner unit in an apartment building type located at the intersection of 2 public streets. b. The unit cannot exceed 4,000 square feet in gross floor area individually or cumulatively in combination with any other allowed Limited Commercial use per lot. c. Hours of operation can begin no earlier than 6 AM and end no later than 11 PM, including all deliveries. d. Drive-thru or drive-in facilities are not permitted. e. Vehicle fuel sales, check cashing and payday loan facilities are not permitted. f. A retail sales use in an -TOD overlay is not subject to parts a and b of this section; however, such a use must be within or attached to a multi tenant building. 2. A retail sales use in an OX- District is subject to the following: a. Must be within or attached to a multi-tenant building, cannot be located in a standalone building. C. Use Standards 1. A retail sales use in an RX- District is subject to the following:

sales/distribution made in compliance with all applicable County, State and Federal Health Department sanitary regulations. k. A zoning permit must be obtained by the property owner (as listed in the Wake County tax records) for any lot proposed to accommodate one or more food trucks. If at any time evidence is provided that the lot is being used other than in compliance with these regulations, the zoning permit will be rendered null and void, and the owner punished for the violation. This zoning permit must be required to be renewed annually. l. A food truck permit must be obtained for food truck business and all requiredWake County and City permits and licenses must be clearly displayed on the food truck. A copy of the approved food truck permit and zoning permit shall be kept in the food truck. The approved food truck as shown on the food truck permit shall be clearly delineated on the improved surface. Prior to the issuance of the food truck permit, the vendor must provide evidence of having obtained a City Business License, NC Sales and Use Certificate for collecting and paying the proper sales taxes and prepared meals taxes, aWake County Environmental Services –Vending Permit and a means for the disposal of grease within an approved grease disposal facility. This food truck permit is required to be renewed annually. If at any time evidence of the improper disposal of liquid waste or grease is discovered, the food truck permit will be rendered null and void and the food truck business will be required to cease operation immediately. The operator of the food truck business will be punished for the violation. m. If at any time, Wake County revokes or suspends the issued food vending permit, the City permit for the food truck business will be revoked or suspended simultaneously. Sec. 6.4.11. Retail Sales A. Retail Sales Use Category Facilities involved in the sale, lease, or rental of new or used products. Retail sales includes the following uses. 1. Antiques, appliances, art supplies, baked goods, bicycles, books, building supplies, cameras, carpet and floor coverings, crafts, clothing, computers, convenience goods, dry goods, electronic equipment, fabric, flowers, fuel (including gasoline and diesel fuel), furniture, garden supplies, gifts or

6 - 33 Pub l i s hed De c embe r 2022

Pa r t 10 : Un i f i ed Deve l opmen t Or d i nanc e C i t y o f Ra l e i gh , No r t h Ca r o l i na

Supp. No. 25

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