Unified Development Ordinance, 28th Supplement, July 2023

Article 4.7. ​Planned Development (PD) | CHAPTER 4. ​SPECIAL DISTRICTS

C. Existing Master Plan Documents All PD Master Plans in existence prior to September 1, 2013, shall not be considered nonconforming; where conflicting provisions exist in this UDO, these previously approved Master Plans may be constructed in accordance with the approved Master Plan. D. Committed Elements Where a PD Master Plan specifies certain committed timed elements, the applicant may request an extension for up to 1 year, to be granted by the Planning Director provided development within the PD District or in the vicinity has not created the need for the committed timed elements.

7. An exchange of above ground stormwater control facilities of like size. The Planning Director may not administratively approve the relocation of an above ground stormwater facility to a location closer than 50 feet from the boundary of the PD District. 8. A relocation of access points, driveways or sidewalks either within or outside of the public right-of-way with the concurrence of the Development Services Department. 9. A relocation of a fence, wall, sign or utility. Fences or walls required for transition areas or buffer yards may not be removed or relocated to an area that conflicts with the buffering requirement. 10. Any requirement associated with a permitted change must be shown on the Master Plan. By example, if a 10% increase in density requires a different street cross-section, the street cross-section must be updated on the Street and Block Plan. 11. Modifications to the approved unified sign criteria for the master plan area with the concurrence of the Development Services Department. a. Color, design and script alterations. b. Reallocation of maximum square footage within the master plan area. c. The addition of a ground sign in excess of the provisions in Article 7.3 , provided: i. No more than one ground sign may be added administratively; ii. The master plan must be at least 25 acres in size; contain at least 60,000 developed square feet of non-residential uses and at least 200 developed dwelling units; iii. The ground sign must be at least 250 feet from any other ground sign within the master plan area and at least 200 feet from a mixed use building; and iv. All other provisions of Article 7.3 are met. B. Non-Administrative Amendments Any other amendment not listed in Sec. 4.7.6.A. shall be subject to the rezoning process specified in Sec. 10.2.4.

4 – 17 Published July 2023

Part 10: Unified Development Ordinance City of Raleigh, North Carolina

Supp. No. 28

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