Unified Development Ordinance, 28th Supplement, July 2023

Article 6.3. Public & Institutional Uses | CHAPTER 6. ​USE REGULATIONS

Article 6.4. Commercial Uses Sec. 6.4.1. Day Care A. Day Care Use Category

C. Day Care Center 1. Defined A day care for more than 8 persons where staffing complies with state and local regulations. Includes nursery school and preschool. 2. Use Standards a. In a Residential District, the following minimum lot areas per enrollee apply: i. R-1, R-2, and R-4: 1,040 square feet; ii. R-6: 640 square feet; and iii. R-10: 240 square feet. b. In a Residential District, 1 unlit announcement sign is allowed, not to Sec. 6.4.2. Indoor Recreation A. Indoor Recreation Use Category Commercial uses, varying in size, providing daily or regularly scheduled recreation-oriented activities in an indoor setting. Indoor recreation includes the following uses. 1. Adult establishment. 2. Amusement center, game arcade, children’s amusement center. 3. Billiard hall, pool hall. exceed 2 square feet in area and 3½ feet in height. c. Must comply with all state and local standards.

A facility providing care, protection and supervision of children or adults on a regular basis away from their primary residence. Care is typically provided to a given individual for fewer than 18 hours each day, although the facility may be open 24 hours each day. Day care includes the following uses.

1. Day care, home. 2. Day care center. B. Day Care, Home 1. Defined

A day care for a maximum of 8 persons in the residence of the provider. 2. Use Standards a. The day care must be carried on by a resident of the structure as either a sole proprietorship or a corporation that is wholly owned by the residents of the structure or a partnership where all partners are residents of the structure. b. The use of any accessory building or accessory structure for a day care is not allowed. c. Any outdoor play equipment stored throughout the day and night shall not be permitted in the front yard area and can be located no closer than 15 feet from any adjoining lot containing a dwelling. d. No person, other than members of the family residing on the premises, shall be engaged or employed. This shall not apply to a substitute non resident person providing care on the premise while the owner/operator is sick or otherwise unable to provide care. e. No more than 8 persons shall be cared for at any given time. f. Must comply with all state and local standards.

4. Bingo parlor. 5. Bowling alley. 6. Convention center, arena. 7. Dance, martial arts, music studio or classroom. 8. Health club.

9. Shooting range. 10. Sports academy. 11. Miniature golf facility.

6-19 Published July 2023

Part 10: Unified Development Ordinance City of Raleigh, North Carolina

Supp. No. 28

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