Unified Development Ordinance, 32nd Supplement, July 2024

CHAPTER 7. ​GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS | Article 7.2. ​Landscaping and Screening

Article 7.2. Landscaping and Screening Sec. 7.2.1. Intent A. The intent of the landscaping regulations is to provide meaningful and well designed screening and buffering. B. Tree and shrub plantings should not interfere with the safe vehicular and pedestrian circulation on the site. Sec. 7.2.2. Applicability A. General No permit for the construction, reconstruction, extension, repair or alteration of any building, structure or use of land and no building or land or any part of any building or land, may be occupied or used until landscaping has been provided in accordance with the requirements of this UDO. B. Additions 1. A building or site may be renovated or repaired without providing additional landscaping, provided there is no increase in gross floor area or improved site area. 2. When a building or site is increased in gross floor area or improved site area by up to 25%, landscaping is required for the additional floor or site area only. 3. When the gross floor area or improved site area is increased by more than 25%, both the existing use and the additional floor or site area must conform to the landscaping requirements of this UDO. C. Change in Use A change in use does not trigger application of this section except when there is a specific use standard requiring landscaping for the new use. D. Landscaping Limit 1. In no case shall required landscaping (parking lot landscaping, protective yards and tree conservation areas) exceed 30% of the total lot area, except in Watershed Protection Overlay Districts.

2. Where the required landscaping exceeds 30%, the individual requirements can be reduced on a pro rata basis to achieve the 30%. 3. The required tree conservation areas cannot be reduced by more than 50%. Sec. 7.2.3. Design Alternate Findings The Planning Commission or Design Review Commission performing the quasi judicial duties of the Planning Commission (as designated by the City Council), after conducting a duly noticed quasi-judicial evidentiary hearing in accordance with Sec. 10.2.17., shall approve a design alternate, if all of the following findings are satisfied: A. The approved alternate is consistent with the intent of the landscape and screening regulations; B. The approved alternate does not substantially negatively impact the comfort and safety of pedestrians; C. The approved alternate utilizes other architectural, artistic, or landscaping treatments to create visual interest; and D. The approved alternate is considered equal to or better than the standard. Sec. 7.2.4. Protective Yards A. Transitional Protective Yards 1. A transitional protective yard is required along perimeter lot lines: a. For specific uses as set forth in Section 7.2.4.E. (type as specified); and b. Where an IH District abuts any other district other than an IH District a Type B1 or B2 transitional protective yard must be installed.

Supp. No. 32

7 – 14 Published July 2024

Part 10: Unified Development Ordinance City of Raleigh, North Carolina

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