Unified Development Ordinance, 32nd Supplement, July 2024

Article 7.2. ​Landscaping and Screening | CHAPTER 7. ​GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS

at any one point shall not be less than one-half the required width of the protective yard. 3. A protective yard may not be located on any portion of an existing, dedicated or reserved public right-of-way. 4. A protective yard is determined exclusive of any required setback; however, the required protective yard may be located wholly or partially within a required setback. D. Encroachments 1. General a. No building or structure on the subject site may be located closer than 10 feet to a protective yard. b. Breaks for pedestrian and vehicle access are allowed in a protective yard. c. The parking of vehicles and the placement of buildings or structures is prohibited in a protective yard. All parking and building setbacks apply. 2. Walls Walls in a protective yard must meet the following. a. Walls must be closed and not exceed a maximum height of 8 feet. b. Walls shall be compatible with the principal building in terms of texture, quality, material and color. c. Walls must be constructed of high quality materials including one or a combination of the following: decorative blocks; brick; stone; cast-stone; architectural block; split-faced block; stucco over standard concrete masonry blocks; or glass block in a structurally safe and attractive condition. d. No walls containing more than 50% exposed standard concrete masonry blocks are permitted, whether painted or not. e. Alternative wall materials may be approved by the Development Services Director. f. No wall can be located within any tree conservation area. g. No wall can be located within any City of Raleigh utility easement without prior written approval of the Public Utilities Director.

h. No wall can be located within any required drainage easement without prior written approval of the Engineering Services Director. Cross reference: The Public Utilities Director may approve structures within City of Raleigh utility easements, Sec. 8-2012(d). 3. Fences Fences in a protective yard must meet the following. a. Fences must be closed and not exceed a maximum height of eight feet. b. Fences must be constructed of wood, composite fencing or PVC vinyl with the finished face located towards the adjacent property. c. Alternative fence materials may be approved by the Development Services Director. d. No fence can be located within any tree conservation area. e. No fence can be located within any City of Raleigh utility easement without prior written approval of the Public Utilities Director. f. No fence can be located within any required drainage easement without prior written approval of the Engineering Services Director. Cross reference: The Public Utilities Director may approve structures within City of Raleigh utility easements, Sec. 8-2012(d) . 4. Berms Where allowed, a berm in a protective yard must meet the following. a. A berm cannot be built in any protective yard whenever the protective yard is also a tree conservation area. b. Berms shall have a minimum average height of 3 feet, measured perpendicular to the center of the crown. c. The berm must contain a rounded crown suitable for planting and a stabilized side slope of no greater than three-to-one. A steeper side slope may be used in exceptional cases when all of the following are met: i. This steeper slope is sufficiently stabilized; and ii. Physical constraints of the site prevent the use of a flatter slope. d. The berm shall be planted with ¾ of the required number of shrubs.

7 – 17 Published July 2024

Part 10: Unified Development Ordinance City of Raleigh, North Carolina

Supp. No. 32

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