Unified Development Ordinance, 32nd Supplement, July 2024

CHAPTER 12. DEFINITIONS | Article 12.2. Defined Terms

Hospital One or more buildings or structures located on the same lot primarily devoted to the rendering of health, medical and nursing care to persons on an in‐patient basis and which provide facilities and services of a scope and type customarily provided by hospitals, which may include facilities for intensive care and self‐care; clinics and out‐patient facilities; clinical, pathological and other laboratories; health care research facilities; laundries; training facilities for nurses, interns, physicians and other staff members; food preparation and food service facilities; administration buildings, central service and other administrative facilities; medical office facilities owned and operated by the hospital for physicians who are members of the hospital medical staff; and other general hospital facilities. Household One or more persons occupying a dwelling unit, provided that unless all members are related by blood, marriage or adoption, no household shall contain more than 4 unrelated persons. A household may include 5 or fewer foster children placed in a family foster home licensed by the State of North Carolina. i Impervious Surface Any material that significantly reduces and prevents natural infiltration of water into the soil. Impervious surfaces include but are not limited to roofs, patios, balconies, decks, streets, parking areas, driveways, sidewalks and any concrete, stone, brick, asphalt or compacted gravel surfaces. The effective impervious coverage for certain surfaces listed below are as follows: 1. Asphalt, concrete, crusher-run gravel, masonry, marl, wood and other impermeable surfaces that prevent land area from infiltrating stormwater are 100% impervious. 2. Porous surfaces that permit direct infiltration of unconcentrated stormwater into ground areas which are prepared in accordance with plans approved by the City so that the first one-half inch of stormwater infiltrates into the ground are 70% through 10% impervious, depending on: a. Compaction; b. Condition of subgrade;

c. Extent of land disturbance; d. Extent of porous openings; e. Protection from siltation and clogging; f. Slope of the ground area; and g. Volume of stormwater stored.

3. Slatted wood decks that allow the drainage of water through the slats to an unpaved surface below are 50% impervious. If the area covered by the deck is washed gravel, the deck is 30% impervious. 4. Ungraveled natural footpaths, water surfaces of swimming pools and drainfields are 0% impervious. 5. All other necessary determinations about impervious surfaces will be based on hydrological tests based on existing subgrade soils, slope, rainfall intensity and rainfall duration. Indigenous/Locally Adapted Species Plant and animal life forms which are naturally found in the State of North Carolina. Infrastructure Transit supportive items including but not limited to seating, shelter, trash receptacles, lighting and real-time transit schedule information provided at a transit stop for the comfort, safety and/or convenience of transit passengers. Inspector The Appropriate City Official or his authorized inspectors. In addition to the powers and responsibilities granted in this article, the Appropriate City Official or his designee shall exercise the powers and responsibilities given to "public officer" in G.S. Chapter 160D, Article 12. Interior Lot A lot other than a corner lot. Internal Illumination A light source concealed or contained within the sign itself, such as a neon tube, which becomes visible in darkness by shining through a translucent surface. Internal Refractive Lens A glass or plastic lens installed between the lamp and the sections of the outer

Supp. No. 32

12 – 12 Published July 2024

Part 10: Unified Development Ordinance City of Raleigh, North Carolina

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