Unified Development Ordinance, 32nd Supplement, July 2024

Supplement Number

Section of UDO

Ordinance Number 2016-652-TC-386 2019-954-TC-417 2019-28-TC-426 2021-293-TC-456 2022-352-TC-464 2022-383-TC-469 2022-383-TC-469 2022-440-TC-475 2024-639-TC-479 2018-868-TC-406 2019-954-TC-417 2019-992-TC-421 2020-149-TC-438 2021-315-TC-461 2022-352-TC-464 2023-518-TC-480 2015-508-TC-373 2022-352-TC-464 2018-831-TC-404 2018-868-TC-406 2019-934-TC-413 2019-28-TC-426 2020-117-TC-432 2020-119-TC-434 2021-237-TC-448 2022-352-TC-464 2023-518-TC-480 2024-639-TC-479*

Text Change Number

Date of Adoption


TC-15-16 TC-1(B)-18 TC-1(D)-18 TC-17A-20 TC-11-21 TC-12-21 TC-12-21 TC-3-22 TC-3-23 TC-14-17 TC-1(B)-18 TC-5B-18 TC-14-19 TC-6-21 TC-11-21 TC-1-22 TC-4-15 TC-11-21 TC-11-17 TC-14-17 TC-1(A)-18 TC-1(D)-18 TC-16-19 TC-1(A)-20 TC-19-19 TC-11-21

12-6-2016 6-4-2019 11-19-2019 3-15-2022 6-7-2022 6-7-2022 11-15-2022 6-4-2024 8-21-2018 6-4-2019 9-3-2019 10-20-2020 12-7-2021 3-15-2022 6-6-2023 11-3-2015 3-15-2022 5-15-2018 8-21-2018 4-2-2019 11-19-2019 7-7-2020 7-7-2020 5-18-21 3-15-2022 6-6-2023 6-4-2024 10-5-21

4 9

10 15 19 22 23 25 32


7 9 9

11 18 19 29





6 7 8

10 11 11 12 19 29 32

TC-1-22 TC-3-23

* Sec. 6 of Ordinance No. (2024) 639 TC 479 (TC-3-23), creates in the Table found at UDO Sec. 7.1.2.C. a new sub-use row entitled “Vehicle Fuel Sales” under the existing row entitled “Retail Sales, except as listed below” without assigning Vehicle Parking (max), Short-Term Bicycle Parking (min) and Long-Term Bicycle Parking (min) values. As there is no intent to change the values for such categories in Ordinance No. (2024) 639 TC 479 (TC-3-23), the values for such categories for the “Retail Sales, except as listed below” row are assigned to “Vehicle Fuel Sales” in the new row created by Sec. 6 of Ordinance No. (2024) 639 TC 479 (TC-3-23).

HN – xv Published July 2024

Part 10: Unified Development Ordinance City of Raleigh, North Carolina

Supp. No. 32

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