Unified Development Ordinance, 34th Supplement, October 2024
outdoor sports or entertainment facility in the DX- zoning district, having a seating capacity of no less than 5,000. No more than one digital ground sign shall be permitted on a lot for each public street abutting the lot. Subject to the prior limitation, multiple signs may face the same public street. A ground sign is not attached, supported or suspended to or from any building or structure. 3. The digital signage permitted herein is in addition to and shall not be credited against all other signage permitted in Art. 7.3. 4. DX digital signs are not changeable copy signs and are not subject to Sec. 7.3.13.C. or any minimum copy size described in Art. 7.3. 5. DX digital signs shall not display any strobe lighting effects. For the purposes of this section, strobe lighting effects are intense flashes of light at a frequency of greater than 1Hz (or 1 flash of bright light per second). O. Freestanding Channel Letter Ground Signs A freestanding channel letter ground sign that identifies the name of the development or an establishment within the development. The sign may be erected on a supporting structure, but not on a post, mast or pole, and neither the base or channel letters shall be attached, supported or suspended to or from any building. A sign permit is required for a freestanding channel letter ground sign. For purposes of this section, a channel letter sign shall mean a sign comprised of individual letters, numbers, logos, or other graphics that are independently mounted to a surface. Lighting for such signage may include neon tubes, fiberoptics, LED’s, and front and back lit letters. 1. Freestanding channel letter ground signs are only allowed pursuant to an adopted Custom Signage Plan. 2. The supporting structure, if one is utilized, shall not exceed 5 feet in height. 3. Individual channel letters affixed to the supporting structure or to the ground shall not exceed 5 feet in height. 4. The sign shall not exceed more than 10 feet in height. 5. The sign shall not exceed more than 100 feet in length. 6. There shall be no more than 1 line of copy per sign, and the sign shall not exceed 500 square feet in sign area. 7. All ground sign braces shall be self-supporting structures permanently attached to concrete foundations in or upon the ground.
8. There shall be no more than 2 freestanding channel letter signs allowed within the designated Custom Signage Plan area. 9. If a freestanding channel letter ground sign faces a public street, the sign shall be set back a minimum of 50 feet from the street, and shall be separated from the street by parking spaces, public or private open space or recreation space, or a 10 foot pedestrian walkway. 10. Changeable copy is prohibited. P. Attached Channel Letter Signs An attached channel letter sign that identifies the name of the development or an establishment within the development, where such sign is mounted atop or hanging from an awning, canopy, porte cochere, or building architectural element, including but not limited to, decorative support beams. A sign permit is required for a freestanding channel letter building sign. For purposes of this section, a channel letter sign shall mean a sign comprised of individual letters, numbers, logos, or other graphics that are independently mounted to a surface. Lighting for such signage may include neon tubes, fiberoptics, LED’s, and front and back lit letters. 1. Attached channel letter signs are only permitted pursuant to an adopted Custom Signage Plan. 2. No portion of the sign may extend above the building’s main roof line without a parapet wall, or no portion of the sign may extend 2 feet above the building’s main roof line with a parapet wall, provided no portion of the sign extends above the parapet. 3. The sign shall not exceed 150 square feet in sign area for any building up to five stories in height, and 300 square feet in sign area for any building 6 stories and above. 4. Individual channel letters shall not exceed 10 feet in height. 5. There shall be no more than 2 lines of copy per sign. 6. The sign shall not exceed 20 feet in height. 7. There shall be no more than 2 attached channel letter signs allowed within the designated Custom Signage Plan area. 8. Only 1 channel letter building sign shall be located on any 1 side of a building. 9. Changeable copy is prohibited.
Supp. No. 34
7 – 40 Published October 2024
Part 10: Unified Development Ordinance City of Raleigh, North Carolina
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