2030 Comprehensive Plan Update, February 2025
Figure T-1: Sample Complete Streets Cross Section
Bike Lane
Travel Lane
Turning Lane
Travel Lane
Bike Lane
Landscape Strip
Landscape Strip
Curb to Curb Right-of-Way
construction, and maintenance activities.
Policy T 3.3 Redefining LOS
Expand the city’s use of level of service standards to include bicycle (BLOS), pedestrian (PLOS), and transit (TLOS) levels of service.
Policy T 3.1 Complete Street Implementation
For all street projects and improvements affecting the public right-of way, consider and incorporate Complete Street principles and design standards that provide mobility for all types of transportation modes (pedestrian, bicycle, auto, transit, freight) and support mutually-reinforcing land use and transportation decisions. Work with NCDOT to implement these design standards for state-maintained roads within the city’s jurisdiction.
Policy T 3.4 Pedestrian-friendly Road Design Design Complete Street amenities with the pedestrian in mind, avoiding the use of traffic control and safety devices that favor vehicles.
Policy T 3.5 Medians
See Text Box: Implementing a Complete Streets Network
Limit the use of undivided multi-lane streets and utilize raised or landscaped medians, where feasible, to improve safety and vehicle throughput while providing opportunities for pedestrian refuges and landscaping.
Policy T 3.2 Integrating Multiple Users
Ensure that all new roadway projects and major reconstruction projects provide appropriate and adequate right-of-way for safe and convenient movement for all users including bicyclists, pedestrians, transit riders, and motorists. Manage the use of rights-of-way to best serve future travel demand (e.g., Multimodal Streets—incorporate wider sidewalks where appropriate).
Policy T 3.6 Transportation Data Collection
Continually collect data that supports the monitoring of roadway, transit, bicycle, and pedestrian performance measures such as level of service
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