2030 Comprehensive Plan Update, February 2025
Policy T 5.16 Personal Motorized Modes
Action T 5.8 Completed 2013
Continue to manage the use of personal motorized modes of travel, including scooters and other emerging Personal Accessibility Vehicles (PAVs). Explore additional implementation methods that safely integrate PAVs within the pedestrian and bicycle network.
Action T 5.9 Converted to Policy 2022
Action T 5.1 Completed 2014
Action T 5.10 Pedestrian Crossing Standards Establish standards for maximum distances between pedestrian crossings that are also associated with roadway classification to enhance walking and transit use.
Action T 5.2 Completed 2014
Action T 5.11 Crosswalk Safety
Action T 5.3 Completed 2013
Widen crosswalks and install durable painted crosswalks and/or other investments to increase pedestrian safety and visibility at crossings.
Action T 5.12 Completed 2015
Action T 5.4 Completed 2012
Action T 5.13 Completed 2014
Action T 5.5 Trail and Path Width
Develop and maintain greenway trails and multi-use paths to be no less than ten feet wide as identified in the BikeRaleigh Plan and current AASHTO standards.
Action T 5.14 Railroad Greenway Trails
Partner with railroad entities to locate additional greenway trails along existing rail lines.
Action T 5.6 Bicycle Plan Implementation
Maintain and implement the BikeRaleigh Plan.
Action T 5.15 Completed 2021
Action T 5.7 Completed 2011
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