2030 Comprehensive Plan Update, February 2025
4.8 Commercial Truck and Rail Freight The movement of freight, both by train and by truck, is an important part of Raleigh’s economy. There are numerous at-grade railroad crossings that pose traffic and safety concerns as traffic increases on both the railroad and the roadway. Although some businesses are located along railroads and utilize trains for the movement of freight, a majority of freight operations involve trucks. The existing freight routes are displayed in Map T-4. Policies in this section support the safe and efficient movement of goods via rail, truck, and air transportation modes. Policies also seek to reduce the impacts of rail and truck operations on adjacent neighborhoods and sensitive land uses.
Policy T 8.1 Truck Routes
Promote the safe and efficient movement of truck traffic in and around the city through designated truck routes and alternate truck routes for heavily traveled corridors.
Action T 8.1 Railroad Crossing Safety
Monitor traffic and safety conditions for at-grade railroad crossings as freight traffic increases to determine the need for grade separations.
Policy T 8.2 Grade Separations
Outside of the downtown street grid, seek additional opportunities to provide grade-separated street connections across the city’s passenger and freight rail corridors, and look to grade separate existing crossings where feasible and desirable.
Action T 8.2 Improving Freight Movement
Identify and correct roadway design and operational deficiencies that affect the safe and efficient movement of freight on designated freight routes while maintaining the health and safety of residents.
Policy T 8.3 Intermodal Transfer of Goods
Support infrastructure improvements and the use of emerging technologies that facilitate the clearance, timely movement, and security of trade, including facilities for the efficient intermodal transfer of goods between truck, rail, and air transportation modes.
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