2030 Comprehensive Plan Update, February 2025
Environmental Protection
Action EP 1.14 Renewable Energy Deployment Evaluate siting renewable energy facilities on city-owned property, including rooftops. Consider pairing renewable energy generation with on site energy storage to improve reliability. Where feasible, emphasize exposure to the public through signage and other information to promote awareness of the benefits of renewable energy.
Action EP 1.17 Home Efficiency Rating
Study and consider a “Home Efficiency Score” for use by developers and real estate agents to inform prospective buyers of the energy efficiency of homes.
Action EP 1.18 Energy Efficiency First Policy Evaluate the adoption of an “Energy Efficiency First” policy for construction of new city facilities. Such a policy would make energy efficiency a higher priority than energy generation. Where practicable, energy efficiency and energy generation should both be evaluated in order to facilitate prioritization.
Action EP 1.15 Fleet Transformation
Implement the city’s Fuel and Fleet Transformation Plan.
Action EP 1.16 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Education Create and promote online and print educational material to help Raleigh residents and businesses understand, evaluate, and compare renewable energy and energy efficiency options for both new construction and retrofitting existing buildings.
Action EP 1.19 Solar Access
Evaluate the feasibility of adding considerations to building site-plan review and approval that address the current and future use of solar energy (i.e. solar easements, landscaping, building height restriction, and orientation).
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