2030 Comprehensive Plan Update, February 2025

Forestville Village

FV Forestville Village

Policy AP-FV 4 Forestville Village East — Street C

Street C (as noted on map) should extend south from U.S. 401 as a Two-Lane, Undivided street and continue south through the Transition Area to the future extension of Oak Marsh Drive.

The Forestville Road Village Center is located on the south side of U.S. 401 with a core area on the east and west side of Forestville Road. The Village Center Plan provides urban design policies to establish a pedestrian-oriented street system that interconnects with surrounding existing and future residential neighborhoods, and to create a walkable streetscape with buildings and their principal entry fronting a public sidewalk along the street system identified on the attached map.

Policy AP-FV 5 Forestville Village Pedestrian Amenities The streetscape along the Forestville Village pedestrian streets should include the placement of buildings adjacent to the sidewalks on the streets, regularly spaced trees between the sidewalk and street curb, as well as seating, bike racks, trash receptacles, and pedestrian-scaled light fixtures. Policy AP-FV 6 Forestville Village East Core & Transition Areas The Core Area of the East Forestville Village, as identified on the attached map, establishes the area of greatest retail and office development intensity. Beyond the Core Area is a Transition Area that should provide a reduction in scale and intensity of development to blend with the surrounding and future residential areas. Streetscapes in the Transition Area should also include building fronts with entries and on-street parking. Uses that are appropriate within the Transition include multi family and townhouse residential, office, and retail sales-personal service uses.

East Village Center Urban Design Guidelines

Policy AP-FV 1 Forestville Village East — Street A

A commercial street (Street A on Map AP-FV-1) should extend east from Forestville Road and be designed as a Main Street-Parallel Parking street, as described in the Raleigh Street Design Manual.

Policy AP-FV 2 Forestville Village East — Street B

Another commercial street (Street B on map) should extend south from U.S. 401 and be designed as a Main Street-Parallel Parking street, as described in the Raleigh Street Design Manual. Street B will continue south beyond the Core as a Neighborhood Street.

Policy AP-FV 7 Forestville Village East Pedestrian Connectivity

Pedestrian connectivity to future development on the north side of U.S. 401 should be coordinated with NCDOT. Connections across Forestville Road will be accommodated by appropriately spaced and marked crosswalks with pedestrian median havens. Connections to future greenway trails should be provided as development occurs with access through the Transition Area to the Core Area of the Village Center.

Policy AP-FV 3 Forestville Village East — Street A Extension

Extension Street A should extend east of Street B as a Neighborhood Street.


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