2030 Comprehensive Plan Update, February 2025

Land Use

Grow Around Transit Growing more around transit means creating more places for people to live in areas where their lives are not totally reliant on individual automobiles. Not having to own one or two cars provides a large savings for family budgets by reducing or eliminating maintenance and fuel costs, insurance, registration, and taxes. Creating new and more affordable housing types near frequent and reliable transit will create communities that more people will be able to afford by reducing housing costs and transportation costs simultaneously. The reduction of these costs together will provide access for more people to the financial opportunities created by the regional investment in transit.

Action LU 4.7 Eliminate Parking Requirements Eliminate the minimum parking requirements for all development types within station areas and/ or where the Equitable Transit Overlay District is mapped.

Ongoing Input and Measuring Results

Ensuring equity goals are reached will require measuring progress. Continued opportunities for input will allow for a continued understanding of priorities and needs.

Policy LU 4.20 Annual Reporting

Policy LU 4.18 Transit Station Area Recommended Heights

A subsection on Equitable Transit-oriented Development should be included in the annual publication of the Comprehensive Plan Progress Report. This reporting should include rezoning activity, permitting activity, and capital improvement project activity in the areas around BRT. Over time, evaluating trends through this reporting will help inform on how well the goals of the Equitable Development Around Transit Plan are being met and if additional changes to policy are warranted to further advance the goals.

Building heights in transit station areas should be based on their station area type as designated on Map LU-5 Transit Station Types. Where there is not a recommended building height for a specific Future Land Use Map category in Table LU-2 Recommended Heights, or if there is internal conflict in Table LU-2 between Future Land Use Map designations and transit station areas types, recommended building height for stations areas should prevail.

Policy LU 4.19 Missing Middle Housing

Duplexes, triplexes, quadruplexes, and townhomes should be encouraged in existing neighborhoods in and near station areas. Additional housing stock and a diversity of housing types are needed in areas served by BRT to help ensure that as many people as possible have access to the service.


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