2030 Comprehensive Plan Update, February 2025


• Better coordination is needed among transportation planning partners such as: NCDOT, CAMPO, GoTriangle, GoRaleigh, and the surrounding counties and cities. • Safety issues must be addressed along corridors, at intersections, and at locations with bicycles and pedestrians. • Limited efficiency and coverage area of the current transit system prevents it from being an attractive alternative to the automobile. Achieving a balanced and effective transportation system will require a greater investment in transit, pedestrian, and bicycle infrastructure. Detailed information concerning the underlying issues and background information can be found in the Community Inventory Report. For Raleigh to meet the vision theme of Economic Prosperity and Equity , the transportation system must be multimodal, operate efficiently, and provide all users with the ability to reach their destinations safely. Raleigh needs to provide facilities and services that meet the needs of the city’s residents and visitors, including senior citizens, the disabled, low-income, and transit-dependent persons. Not only does the transportation system provide for the mobility of people and goods, but over the long term it influences patterns of growth and the level of economic activity through the accessibility it provides to adjacent land uses. To meet the vision theme of Coordinating Land Use and Transportation , the Comprehensive Plan must provide policies to help reduce the need for trip-making (particularly single-occupant vehicle, or SOV, trips), provide choices for shorter trips, and encourage walking, bicycling, and transit use. The Transportation and Land Use Sections must mutually reinforce one another and provide Raleigh with a foundation to make informed decisions.

When considering the relationship of transportation with vision themes such as Growing Successful Neighborhoods and Communities and Greenprint Raleig h, it is important to consider social and environmental impacts. Reducing auto trips and auto dependency can make significant improvements to air quality. By using Context Sensitive Solutions (CSS), transportation investments can be developed that meet the needs of citizens and the surrounding land uses.


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