Unified Development Ordinance, 31st Supplement, May 2024
c. Vertical Position The bottom of the sign shall be a minimum of 6 feet above the elevation of the adjacent street. I. Product and Information Signs 1. A product sign is a sign attached to outdoor vending machines, stands, gasoline pumps and display racks that direct attention to dispensed products. 2. An information sign is an on-premise sign containing no other commercial message, copy, announcement or decoration other than instruction or direction to the public. Such signs include but are not limited to the following: identifying restrooms, public telephones, automated teller machines, for lease, for sale, walkways, entrance and exit drives, freight entrances and traffic direction. 3. A product sign or information sign may not exceed 6 square feet in area, except in the case of an information sign for a multi-establishment campus. 4. Individual information signs for a multi-establishment campus may be a maximum of 14 square feet in area with a maximum height of 3½ feet and a maximum width of 4 feet. One primary information sign may be located at each major entrance; provided that, no such sign shall be closer than 100 feet to the public right-of-way, and not exceed a maximum of 35 square feet in area, a maximum height of 7 feet and a maximum width of 5 feet. 5. The total sign area for all product and information signs located on any site cannot exceed 32 square feet; provided that the total allowable sign area for information signs which are part of a multi-establishment campus may be increased in accordance with the following: a. 32 square feet per major entrance drive for any multi-establishment campus with three or more major entrances from a commercial street or a thoroughfare; and b. 10 square feet for each acre in excess of 10 acres of the multi establishment campus. 6. No commercial message, copy, announcement or decoration can be located on the information sign other than instruction or direction to the public. 7. A product sign must be attached directly to either the dispensary structure or the product and cannot be located in any Residential District.
iii. Block numbers must be shown in Arabic numerals. iv. At the point of intersection with public streets, private street signs shall immediately above the name and block contain the word "private." b. Abbreviations The street name shall not be abbreviated but standard abbreviations may be used for the prefix (north, south, east and west) and for the suffix portion of the legend. c. Minimum Letter Size Street names shall not be less than 4-inch uppercase, 3-inch lowercase. Block number or building references shall not be less than 2 inches. 2. Visibility and Reflectivity a. Legend and background color selection shall effect clear contrast and visibility for both day and night identification so that the name is easily identifiable for up to 175 feet from the sign. b. All legends and backgrounds shall be reflectorized to ensure visibility at night. 3. Location, Number and Placement a. Location i. At intersecting private streets, the sign shall be placed as near as possible to the intersection of a line parallel to and 6 feet from each private street. ii. The private street name marker assembly shall not be placed on the public right-of-way and shall not be closer than 6 feet to the edge of pavement of the private street. b. Number A sign face for intersecting private street or private street and public streets, shall be required so that the respective street name and block number is displayed to the appropriate direction of travel.
Supp. No. 31
7 – 38 Published May 2024
Part 10: Unified Development Ordinance City of Raleigh, North Carolina
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