Unified Development Ordinance, 31st Supplement, May 2024
J. Temporary Signs After the issuance of a temporary sign permit the following temporary signs may be erected: 1. Unlit on-premise portable signs, 3-dimensional banners, moored blimps, gas balloons and windblown signs such as pennants, spinners, flags and streamers for special events for a total period not to exceed 30 days. 2. Construction signs are permitted on a construction site that meet all of the following standards: a. The sign area shall not exceed 15 square feet in sign area in CM, AP or a Residential District and shall not exceed 32 square feet in area in all other districts. b. No construction sign shall be erected prior to issuance of a grading or building permit and the sign shall be removed within 15 days after issuance of a certificate of compliance. 3. Except for government owned signage, temporary signs shall not be permitted within the right of way. K. Unit Numbering Identification Sign 1. All unit numbers shall be uniformly located on the side of the building facing the street within 18 inches of the building entrance or if not possible for architectural or building arrangement reasons prominently displayed on the building wall, easily visible from a public street. 2. However, unit number signs for detached and attached houses and manufactured homes only may, in lieu of being located on the building wall, be located on the mail box or similar sized surfaces attached to mail boxes. 3. Units that do not abut and gain access on a public street must locate identification signs containing the name of the court, street or way and the unit numbers on each main entrance to the building. 4. All unit number signs shall be a minimum of 3 inches in size. 5. Any unit number identification over 10 inches in height shall comply with all applicable sign regulations of this UDO.
L. Vehicle Sign 1. Vehicle signs shall not be located within 40 feet of the right-of-way of any street. Vehicle signs on trailer or box truck type vehicles shall not be located within 100 feet of the right-of-way of any street. 2. Vehicle signs permitted as part of an approved temporary event or vehicles used in direct connection with the business other than as signage, are not subject to these provisions during the course of their normal business usage. M. Windblown Signs A banner, flag, pennant, spinner or streamer. 1. No site shall contain more than 3 windblown signs. Each windblown device erected to a tether, pole, mast, building or any structure shall be deemed to be a separate distinct windblown sign. 2. The total sign area of all windblown signs on a site located in a mixed or special district shall not exceed 40% of the maximum allowable signage as set forth in Sec. 7.3.16.B. 3. The total sign area of all windblown signs on a site located in a residential district shall not exceed 35 square feet. 4. The maximum height of a windblown sign shall not exceed 20 feet or the tallest principal building located on the site, whichever is greater. 5. The windblown sign limitations do not apply to temporary windblown signs erected pursuant to Sec. 7.3.13.J. N. DX Digital Signs Notwithstanding the provision of Sec. 7.3.2., signs that use technologies such as LCD, LED and Projection to display content such as digital images, video, streaming media, and information. Digital signs are prohibited except for the following: 1. Attached, as a wall sign, not exceeding 750 square feet in area, per sign, to a civic building in the DX- zoning district where the civic building contains one or more places of public assembly having a single-room seating capacity of no less than 10,000. No more than one digital sign shall be permitted on a building façade facing the same public street.
7 – 39 Published May 2024
Part 10: Unified Development Ordinance City of Raleigh, North Carolina
Supp. No. 31
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