FY23-25 Business Plan_Raleigh Water

Our Departmental SWOT


Strength 1: Resilient Strength 2: Innovative

Strength 3: Institutional Knowledge Strength 4: Asset Management Program

Strength 5: Financial Viability Strength 6: Adaptiveness Strength 7: Product Quality


▪ Weakness 1: Employee retention & recruitment ▪ Weakness 2: External communication/Community engagement opportunities/tools ▪ Weakness 3: Nitrogen allocation needed for wastewater expansion


▪ Opportunity 1: Keep working the RUMS system ▪ Opportunity 2: Succession planning & knowledge transfer ▪ Opportunity 3: Refining data collection & use ▪ Opportunity 4: More & better communication ▪ Opportunity 5: Nitrogen: continue to search for allocation ▪ Opportunity 6: Cross connection ▪ Opportunity 7: Regional water supply partnerships ▪ Opportunity 8: Recruitment search ▪ Opportunity 9 : Better collaborate w/City Attorney’s office on emerging legislation ▪ Opportunity 10: Asset data collection ▪ Opportunity 11: Private system takeovers ▪ Opportunity 12: Community engagement tools ▪ Opportunity 13: Web self service capabilities ▪ Opportunity 14: Better understanding of city level activities


Threats 1: Aging infrastructure

▪ Threats 2: State and federal policy and regulatory changes ▪ Threats 3: IT Data Management/Security and Cyber attacks ▪ Threats 4: Emerging contaminants ▪ Threats 5: Executive management team turnover ▪ Threats 6: Supply & cost of materials ▪ Threats 7: Climate change ▪ Threats 8: Lack of capturing historical knowledge

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