FY23-25 Business Plan_Raleigh Water
EMPLOYEE LEADERSHIP AND DEVELOPMENT (ELD) Recruit, develop, and retain a diverse competent, safety-focused workforce and invest in opportunities for professional and leadership development, considering the differing needs and expectations of our workforce.
Objective 3. Foster professional growth opportunities and increase employee involvement in activities that benefit their careers Strategic Alignment: Growth and Natural Resources; Organizational Excellence Stakeholders: City Manager’s Office ; Employees; Human Resources; Office of Strategy and Innovation; Planning and Development; Vendors and Contractors ▪ Initiative 3.1 - Facilitate opportunities for Utility staff to support the City’s Strategic Plan efforts (FY22-23) ▪ Initiative 3.2 - Establish cross-training opportunities for employees (FY22-24) ▪ Initiative 3.3 - Increase CIP staff’s understanding of and engagement in City planning efforts (FY22-25)
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