FY23-25 Business Plan_Raleigh Water
ENTERPRISE RESILIENCY (ER) Actively anticipate and respond to the risks affecting resources, systems, and operations as well as seek ongoing performance improvements to deliver quality services, ensure business continuity, and reduce environmental impacts.
Objective 1. Plan and prepare for emergencies and recovery to ensure continuity of operations Strategic Alignment: Organizational Excellence; Safe, Vibrant, & Healthy Community Stakeholders: City Manager’s Office ; Communications; Customers; Employees; Emergency Communications; Information Technology; Office of Emergency Management and Special Events; Vendors and Contractors ▪ Initiative 1.1 - Increase readiness for emergency and recovery efforts by conducting tabletop exercises (FY22-24) ▪ Initiative 1.2 - Complete SCADA system upgrades identified in the FY21 security risk assessment (FY22-23) ▪ Initiative 1.3 - Improve the Utility’s ability to provide high -levels of customer service during emergencies (FY22-25) ▪ Initiative 1 . 4 - Replace Falls Lake raw water generator #1 (FY23-25) Stakeholders: Budget and Management Services; City Manager’s Office ; Department of Equity and Inclusion; Employees; Human Resources; Information Technology; Office of Strategy and Innovation; Planning and Development; Vendors and Contractors ▪ Initiative 2.1 - Better leverage technology to support field audit effectiveness and efficiency (FY23-24) ▪ Initiative 2.2 - Coordinate diversity, equity, and inclusion activities to ensure Utility practices are equitable for all (FY22-24) ▪ Initiative 2.3 - Establish a process for using surveys to improve utility operations and culture (FY22-23) ▪ Initiative 2.4 - Optimize departmental processes by developing program evaluation and performance management tools and strategies (FY22-25) ▪ Initiative 2.5 - Improve the Production Release Quality Control process for CCB upgrades (FY22-25) Objective 2. Employ continuous improvement practices to improve operations across the Utility Strategic Alignment: Economic Development & Innovation; Organizational Excellence
Performance Measures
% of biosolids removed versus biosolids removal planned % of defects reported in Customer Care & Billing/Web Self-Service production
% of Fleet preventative maintenance completed
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% of miles of sewer pipe cleaned % of tons of fill (i.e., ABC, 57, spoil, cold patch) disposed of properly
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