Tech Reference Manual

Replace Meter MIU Not Transmitting Replace Meter

Check FA portal in CC&B Verify requested register size in FA portal. Obtain needed inventory.

Drive to selected travel location. Upon arrival verify correct address Check and compare meter number and or Meter Interface Unit(MIU) number Check Register face for size and type. Verify the meter/ register compatibility. Read the register (Record data/MIU data) Notify customer off equipment maintenance and water off for a short period of time Replace antenna. Turn the water off at the angle valve. Inspect the water meter service for backflow devices. If no backflow device is found, use hand pump to keep the water level below the house side spuds. Remove meter. Test Dual Check for functionality-Report if broken. Replace meter and gaskets. Verify the flow arrow on the meter points to the house side spud nut. Clean meter box to below meter base/frost plate Verify meter lid is clear of obstruction. Restore water service and notify customer the water is restored. FA Completion: All work in CC&B must be done with CAPS On

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