Unified Development Ordinance, 33rd Supplement, August 2024
CHAPTER 6. USE REGULATIONS | Article 6.7. Accessory Uses & Structures
2. No display of goods, products, or services shall be visible from outside the dwelling. 3. The home occupation shall not exceed 25% of the livable portion of the dwelling. 4. No business storage or warehousing of material, supplies or equipment is permitted outdoors. Storage is permitted in the principal dwelling unit or a fully enclosed accessory structure only. 5. There must be no change in the outside appearance of the building or premises, or other visible evidence of the conduct of a home occupation. 6. Home-Occupation uses must comply with all applicable City ordinances and regulations regarding the emission of noise. A home-occupation permit shall be revoked if a violation of a City noise ordinance is issued in association with the Home-Occupation use. If revoked, a new home-occupation permit cannot be issued for the premise for a period of 365 days. 7. Only 1 vehicle used in connection with the home occupation shall be parked or stored on the premises; provided, however, the vehicle must not be a bus, truck, van, trailer or other vehicle over 6,000 lbs., as listed on the vehicle registration form, and no advertising or reference to the home occupation may be displayed on the vehicle in any manner. E. Live-Work A commercial use that is contained within or attached to a residential structure or contained within a legally conforming accessory structure or accessory dwelling unit and which allows employees, customers, clients or patrons to visit. Live-Work uses shall meet all of the following: 1. A minimum of 1 individual must occupy the associated principal structure or the associated Accessory Dwelling Unit as their primary place of residence. 2. The live-work unit may employ no more than two (2) individuals not living on the premises at any one time. 3. No business storage or warehousing of material, supplies or equipment is permitted outdoors. Storage is permitted in the live-work unit or a fully enclosed accessory structure only. 4. Signage is limited to one (1) unlit Building Sign as listed in Sec. 7.3.2. for each building façade of the structure containing the live-work use that faces a public street. Each sign permitted by this item shall be no larger than six (6) square feet in area and attached to the structure housing the live-work unit. 5. Only 1 vehicle used in connection with the live-work use shall be parked or stored on the premises; provided, however, the vehicle must not be a bus, truck, van, trailer or other vehicle over 6,000 lbs, as listed on the vehicle registration form, and
Sec. 6.7.3. Additional Standards for Specific Accessory Uses A. Caretaker’s Residence A single dwelling unit as a residence for a caretaker or watchman accessory to a permitted use is permitted in all districts other than a Residential District. B. Dish Antenna An antenna whose purpose is to receive signals from orbiting satellites. The regulations of this section apply only to dish antennas larger than 1 meter in diameter. 1. No dish antenna can be located closer than 30 feet to a public right-of-way. 2. In a Residential District, no dish antenna can have a dish of a diameter greater than 12 feet, unless located more than 100 feet from a property line. 3. In a Residential District, any antenna not mounted on a building that is over 4 feet in diameter shall be screened from the right-of-way and the property boundary of any abutting lot. The screen shall be made of plant materials, berms, closed fences, or walls or any combination of that reduce the view from the abutting lot or right-of-way to a height of 6 feet above ground elevation year round. Fences or walls utilized for screening must be architecturally compatible with other buildings and structures on the site. Planting shall be provided so that no more than 2/3 of the height of the fence or wall is visible from the abutting lot or right-of-way within 5 years of the erection of the fence or wall. 4. Roof-mounted dish antennas shall be screened from any public street that is open to vehicular traffic. All roof-mounted dish antennas exceeding 4 feet in diameter shall be constructed of mesh type material. C. Garage for 5 or More Vehicles Accessory to a Dwelling A special use permit may be issued in accordance with Sec. 10.2.9. for a garage for 5 or more motorized vehicles in a Residential District. D. Home Occupation An occupation that provides a service or product that is conducted wholly within a residential dwelling. 1. No nonresident employees are allowed. Clients, customers, patients and visitors are not allowed to visit the premises.
Supp. No. 33
6 – 46 Published August 2024
Part 10: Unified Development Ordinance City of Raleigh, North Carolina
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